
Elin Good

Atherosclerosis is the major focus of my research, which I combine with clinical work at the Cardiology Clinic in Linköping. My ambition is to promote interdisciplinary research that incorporate different aspects of cardiovascular disease. 

Atherosclerosis is the deadliest disease worldwide

Atherosclerosis is the deadliest disease both in Sweden and worldwide, and death is primarily caused by myocardial infarction and stroke. Population studies show that atherosclerotic changes are present in several vascular beds in more than one third of the middle-aged population. 

MR-image of carotis. Symptoms are caused by events in atherosclerotic plaques, changes in the arterial endothelium that advance with time as a consequence of a chronic inflammation. Plaque rupture leads to thrombus formation, followed by a myocardial infarction if the plaque is located in the coronary arteries, or a stroke if the plaque is located in a carotid artery. The mechanisms leading to plaque rupture are not yet fully elucidated. Many risk factors are well known, but much remains to be explored.

I believe that we can improve cardiovascular prevention, diagnostics and treatment through future developments in cardiovascular research; including imaging, biomarkers and better knowledge on how socioeconomic- and psychosocial factors are associated with symptomatic disease.

Research projects

Cardiovascular imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is well suited for the assessment of the atherosclerotic plaque, because of its high tissue specificity.

In our CMIV research group, imaging techniques for advanced assessments of plaque composition and haemodynamics are continuously developed.


SCAPIS (The Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study) is a Swedish population-based study that included more than 30 000 individuals in ages 50–64 years, with the aim to use advanced imaging and functional analyses and for the prediction and prevention an cardiopulmonary disease.

The re-assessment of the SCAPIS cohort is initiated in 2024, where several Linköping-based sub studies are planned. 

Life conditions, Stress and Health
– the LSH study

LSH is a population study based in Östergötland that intends to prospectively assess how socioeconomical differences in health, disease and death can be explained by stress, life conditions, lifestyle and psychosocial factors.

The study also investigates whether observed effects can be reflected in psychobiological vulnerability mechanisms through markers for stress, inflammation and plaque vulnerability. 



Fredrik Granström, Marika Wenemark, Karin Festin, Elin Good, Helena Frielingsdorf Lundqvist, Mats Lowén, Ingrid Rystedt (2024) Impact of the pandemic on leisure physical activity and alcohol consumption BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Article 1589 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elin Good, Linda Bilos, Petter Dyverfeldt (2024) Investigating the Association of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque MRI Features and Silent Stroke After Carotid Endarterectomy Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 60, p. 150-151 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Miguel Ochoa-Figueroa, C. Valera-Soria, Christos Pagonis, Marcus Ressner, Pernilla Norberg, V. Sanchez-Rodriguez, Miguel Jeronimo Frias Rose, Elin Good, Anette Davidsson (2024) Rendimiento diagnóstico de un nuevo software de aprendizaje profundo para corrección de atenuación en la imagen de perfusión miocárdica utilizando una cámara CZT cardiodedicada. Experiencia en la práctica clínica [Diagnostic performance of a novel deep learning attenuation correction software for MPI using a cardio dedicated CZT camera: Experience in the clinical practice] REVISTA ESPANOLA DE MEDICINA NUCLEAR E IMAGEN MOLECULAR, Vol. 43, p. 23-30 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Elin Good, Linda Åkerman, Sofia N. Nyström, Lena Jonasson, Jan Ernerudh, Ebo de Muinck (2023) Changes in natural killer and T lymphocyte phenotypes in response to cardiovascular risk management Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Article 20810 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Miguel Ochoa-Figueroa, Miguel Jeronimo Frias Rose, Elin Good, V. Sanchez-Rodriguez, Anette Davidsson, Christos Pagonis (2023) Rendimiento diagnóstico de diferentes protocolos de estrés cardiaco usados en imagen de perfusión miocárdica para el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria usando una cámara de cadmio-zinc-telurio con correlación con angiografía coronaria [Diagnostic performance of different cardiac stress protocols for myocardial perfusion imaging for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease using a cadmium-zinc-telluride camera with invasive coronary angiography correlation] REVISTA ESPANOLA DE MEDICINA NUCLEAR E IMAGEN MOLECULAR, Vol. 42, p. 281-288 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

About me


Licensed physician 2015


Young Investigator Award, EuroPrevent Congress 2015


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) 

The LSH study (Swedish)

