
Emma Björk

Senior Associate Professor

I focuse on development of nanoporous materials and on understanding how the material formation process correlates with the materials characteristics. The materials are used in applications such as drug delivery, sensing, and catalysis.

The materials I work with have pores that are 2–50 nanometers large. The porosity makes the materials suitable for carrying drugs or other molecules. 

My research interests involve development of nanoporous materials and understanding how the material formation process correlates with the materials characteristics. The materials I work with have pores that are 2–50 nm large, which provides a large specific surface area, ~500–1000 m²/g.

Microscope photo, nanostructural material.Microscope photo, nanostructural material.The porosity makes the materials suitable for carrying drugs or other molecules, and the large surface makes them excellent as catalytic supports.

The materials are synthesized using a sol-gel process, and I use in situ techniques to study how the materials are formed. This provides understanding of how synthesis parameters affect the characteristics of the final materials.

I have a large interest in designing materials for various applications, such as drug delivery, sensing, and catalysis. I explore how we can optimize the materials performance in each application by alterations of their composition, pore structure, and morphology.



Clara Linder, Mikhail Vagin, Robert Boyd, Grzegorz Greczynski, Daniel Lundin, Karin Torne, Per Eklund, Emma Björk (2025) Tailoring the Electrocatalytic Activity and Corrosion Resistance of CoCrFeNi and MnCrFeNi Thin Films by Anodization ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Clara Linder, Robert Boyd, Grzegorz Greczynski, Mikhail Vagin, Daniel Lundin, Karin Torne, Per Eklund, Emma Björk (2024) Enhanced Oxygen-Reaction Electrocatalysis and Corrosion Resistance of CoCrFeNi Thin Films by Tuned Microstructure and Surface Oxidation SMALL SCIENCE (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Yuguo Zhao, Emma Björk, Yong Yan, Peter Schaaf, Dong Wang (2024) Recent progress in transition metal based catalysts and mechanism analysis for alcohol electrooxidation reactions Green Chemistry (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Olof Eskilson, Sneha Kollenchery Ramanathan, Anna du Rietz, Valentina Guerrero Florez, Robert Selegård, Kajsa Uvdal, Emma Björk, Daniel Aili (2024) Self-Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles in Bacterial Cellulose for the Fabrication of Soft Substrate-Supported Catalysts ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 7, p. 6068-6078 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Clara Linder, Smita Gangaprasad Rao, Robert Boyd, Grzegorz Greczynski, Per Eklund, Sara Munktell, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Emma Björk (2024) Effect of Mo content on the corrosion resistance of (CoCrFeNi)1−xMox thin films in sulfuric acid Thin Solid Films, Vol. 790, Article 140220 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

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ORCID: Researcher ID, 0000-0001-6609-6779

Publons: Researcher-ID, G-5499-2010




Master program in Chemistry

Assignment: Vice chairman of the Board of Studies for Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics


