
Eva Ellström

Professor emerita

My research and teaching concern the fields of leadership, workplace learning and interpersonal communication.


My research concerns workplace learning, development and change processes in organisations. 

I am presently engaged in a project called “Leadership for learning? Managerial support for workplace learning within elder care”.  The purpose of the project is to contribute to increased knowledge about the role of first-line mangers in promoting co-workers’ learning in and through work, and more generally for organizing and leading learning and development processes at the workplace. The theoretical framework of the project is based on learning- and organisation theory, and intends to integrate theory and research about workplace learning and managerial work and leadership.   ok


  • Professor in Education, 2011
  • Associate Professor in Education, 2001
  • Specialist in Educational Psychology, 2001
  • Specialist in Clinical Psychology, 1997
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education, 1993
  • Licentiate of Philosophy in Education, 1990
  • Licensed psychologist, 1984
  • Master of Arts (education, psychology, political science), 1974
  • Bachelor of Arts (education, sociology, business administration), 1972



Eva Ellström, Per-Erik Ellström (2018) Two modes of learning-oriented leadership: a study of first-line managers Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 30, p. 545-561 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Karin Kilhammar, Eva Ellström (2015) Co-workership in practice: a study of two Swedish organizations Human Resource Development International, Vol. 18, p. 328-345 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Eva Ellström, Per-Erik Ellström (2014) Ledarskap för lärande?: En studie av första linjens chefer inom äldreomsorgen Dynamiska och komplexa miljöer: reflektioner över pedagogiska praktiker : vänbok till Glenn Hultman, p. 57-67 (Chapter in book)
Eva Ellström, Per-Erik Ellström (2014) Learning outcomes of a work-based training programme: The significance of managerial support European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 38, p. 180-197 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Eva Ellström (2012) Managerial support for learning at work: a qualitative study of first-line managers in elder care Leadership in Health Services, Vol. 25, p. 273-287 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
