
Hans Knutsson


Hans Knutsson has more than 400 publications in image processing and machine learning. The 10 most cited have a total of more than 4000 citations, h-index = 40. He is one of the founding members of CMIV - the Center for Image Science and Visualization. He has been, or is, the supervisor of 21 PhD students.

He obtained his PhD in 1982. In 1984 - 1986 he held a Postdoctoral Fellowship position at the Rockefeller University Neurobiology Laboratory headed by Nobel Laureate Torsten Wiesel.

He suggested and developed a novel method of representation and estimation of local structure of multi-dimensional signals using tensors and tensor fields. A result of this research was a method for handling irregularly sampled and uncertain data termed 'Normalized Convolution'. Advanced spatio-temporal filtering, registration and segmentation techniques continues to be the main targets of his research. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) he introduced Canonical Correlation based fMRI analysis. More recent important results are: MRI-reconstruction of beating heart-sequences, real-time fMRI brain-computer interface and 4D denoising of medical image data.

In collaboration with LMI , the Laboratory for Mathematics in Imaging at Harvard Medical School and the Surgical Planning Laboratory in Boston he has also started a new line of research aiming at developing a common theoretical framework for sampling, representation and visualization of in vivo diffusion processes using MRI.

He is coordinating the data acquisition and refinement sub-project in Seeing organ function - patient specific image data driven organ exploration and simulation, a large strategic project supported by The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.


Publication list


Curriculum Vitae

Hans Knutsson's CV



Maryam Afzali, Hans Knutsson, Evren Özarslan, Derek K. Jones (2021) Computing the orientational-average of diffusion-weighted MRI signals: a comparison of different techniques Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, Article 14345 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


David Abramian, Per Sidén, Hans Knutsson, Mattias Villani, Anders Eklund (2020) Anatomically Informed Bayesian Spatial Priors for FMRI Analysis ISBI 2020: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Hans Knutsson (2019) Towards Optimal Sampling in Diffusion MRI COMPUTATIONAL DIFFUSION MRI (CDMRI 2018) (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Iulian Emil Tampu, Cem Yolcu, Hans Knutsson, Cheng Guan Koay, Evren Özarslan (2019) Estimation of the orientationally-averaged magnetic resonance (MR) signal for characterizing neurite morphology
Xuan Gu, Hans Knutsson, Markus Nilsson, Anders Eklund (2019) Generating Diffusion MRI Scalar Maps from T1 Weighted Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks Image Analysis: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 489-498 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI



