Photo of Johanna Sköld

Johanna Sköld

Professor, Head of Unit




Judith Lind, Cecilia Lindgren, Johanna Sköld (2024) Är intresset för att bli familjehem tillräckligt stort? Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, Vol. 30, p. 881-895 Continue to DOI
Johanna Sköld, Bengt Sandin, Johanna Schiratzki (2024) Redressing or Excusing the Past?: The Evaluation of Sexual Child Abuse in the Swedish Redress Scheme for Historical Abuse in Out-of-Home Care Lived Institutions as History of Experience, p. 317-342 Continue to DOI
Katie Wright, Johanna Sköld, Malin Arvidsson, Shurlee Swain, Sari Braithwaite (2024) Adults Claiming Child Rights: Activism, Temporality and Abuse in Childhood Childhood, Youth and Activism: Demands for Rights and Justice from Young People and their Advocates, p. 37-54 Continue to DOI


Johanna Sköld (2023) Samhällsvårdade barns villkor och erfarenheter Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2023: Tema: Barndomens och uppväxtens villkor i historien, p. 51-66
Johanna Sköld (2023) On the Challenge of Historicizing Violence: Conflicts in State Redress for Historical Abuse of Children in Out-of-home Care Totalitarianism and Democracy, Vol. 20, p. 75-91 Continue to DOI