
Jonas Holm

Adjunct Assistant Lecturer

Docent at HMV. My research strive to improve diagnostics and treatment in the field of cardiac surgery.

Heartdisease – right treatment at the right timepoint

In our research we work with different angels related to heart surgery. In one track we focus research project related to severe heart failure in cardiac surgery. We evaluate heart failure related to biomarkers like natriuretic peptides and vasopressin analoges, metabolic intervention and treatment with mechanical circulatory support. The research strive to better identify, prognose and follow patients with severe heart failure during the course of heart surgery. In another track we evaluate patients new vascular grafts after coronary bypass surgery. This evaluation is done by computed tomography of the coronary vessels, and related to factors like medical treatment, age, kidney function and gender.

About me


  • Medical education, Linköping University 1997
  • Specialist Cardiothoracic surgery 2006
  • Doctor of Medicine, PhD in Cardiothoracic surgery 2013
  • Docent in Cardiothoracic surgery 2021


  • Gothenburg university
  • NTNU – Norwegian university of Science and Technology in Trondheim
  • Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


Cover of publication ''
Jonas Holm, Erik Håkanson, Farkas Vánky, Rolf Svedjeholm (2011)

British Journal of Anaesthesia , Vol.107 , s.344-350 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Jonas Holm, Mårten Vidlund, Farkas Vanky, Örjan Friberg, Erik Håkanson, Sten Walther, Rolf Svedjeholm (2013)
Cover of publication ''
Jonas Holm, Zoltán Szabó, Urban Alehagen, Tomas Lindahl, Ingemar Cederholm (2018)

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia , Vol.32 , s.245-250 Continue to DOI


Jonas Holm, Farkas Vanky, Rolf Svedjeholm (2024) Association of Glutamate Infusion With Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery A Pooled Analysis of 2 Randomized Clinical Trials JAMA Network Open, Vol. 7, Article e2351743 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Rolf Svedjeholm, Gabriele Ferrari, Farkas Vanky, Örjan Friberg, Jonas Holm (2023) Glutamate infusion associated with reduced rises of p-Copeptin after coronary surgery: Substudy of GLUTAMICS II Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, Vol. 67, p. 1373-1382 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jonas Holm, Farkas Vanky, Rolf Svedjeholm (2023) Glutamate Infusion Reduces Myocardial Dysfunction after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting According to NT-proBNP: Summary of 2 Randomized Controlled Trials (GLUTAmate for Metabolic Intervention in Coronary Surgery [GLUTAMICS I-II]) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 118, p. 930-937 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Jonas Holm, Gabriele Ferrari, Anders Holmgren, Farkas Vanky, Örjan Friberg, Mårten Vidlund, Rolf Svedjeholm (2022) Effect of glutamate infusion on NT-proBNP after coronary artery bypass grafting in high-risk patients (GLUTAMICS II): A randomized controlled trial PLoS Medicine, Vol. 19, Article e1003997 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Henrik Hultkvist, Eva Nylander, Eva Tamas, Rolf Svedjeholm, Jan Engvall, Jonas Holm, Eva Maret, Farkas Vanky (2022) Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in patients operated for aortic stenosis PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, Article e0263824 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Principal examiner in

CoCAP studien: Coronary CT Angio evaluating Graft Patency in ACS patients treated with DAPT or single ASA after CABG

Coinvestigator in

TACSI study: Ticagrelor and ASA vs. ASA Only After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome

SweVAD study: Swedish Evaluation of Left Ventricular Assist Device as Permanent Treatment in End-stage Heart Failure

