Photo of Lis Nilsson

Lis Nilsson



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Josefina Syssner – Professor visiting academia

In her teens, Josefina Syssner wanted to be a cartoonist. She had no intention of studying at university. A few decades later, she is a professor  with a specific eye on the parts of Sweden that are losing population year after year.

How the nervous system distinguishes social touch

Two types of neurons in the skin may be particularly important for how the brain interprets social contact between people. Knowledge of how the nervous system processes social touch is important in order to develop ways to restore sensation.

Researcher in lab coat holds blue solar cell with tweezers.

How non-toxic and efficient solar cells can be produced

Large-scale production of organic solar cells with high efficiency and minimal environmental impact. This can now be made possible through a new design principle developed at Linköping University.