Photo of Magnus Jonsson

Magnus Jonsson

Professor, Head of Division, Head of Unit

Principal Investigator of the Organic Photonics and Nanooptics group, Laboratory of Organic Electronics



Magnus Jonsson is a professor of applied physics at Linköping University in Sweden. He leads a research group focusing on organic photonics and nanooptics, based at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE). He received his docent (habilitation) in organic electronics in 2016, was appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow in 2019 (with prolongation) and Swedish Research Council Consolidator grantee in 2020. His main research interests are to develop and study novel nanooptical concepts for application in sensors, displays, energy systems and smart materials. The group focuses particularly on exploring unique possibilities of organic materials for nanooptics, and recently introduced conducting polymers as a new type of materials for dynamic plasmonics, including electrically tuneable conducting polymer nanoantennas. During 2011-2014, Magnus was a postdoctoral Wenner-Gren Fellow in Prof. Cees Dekker’s lab at the Bionanoscience department of TU Delft, where he developed the concept of plasmonic nanopores for single-molecule biosensing together with his colleagues. Before that, he did his PhD studies at Lund University and Chalmers University of Technology in the group of Prof. Fredrik Höök (the group moved about half way into his PhD). Jonsson’s PhD studies focused on nanoplasmonic biosensing, including development of flow-through plasmonic nanopore sensors, sensors compatible with artificial cell membranes, plasmonic sensors with electrical read-out and plasmonic sensing of structural changes in addition to binding events. He has an undergraduate degree in physics from Lund University. More information can also be found here.

Teaching, supervision and leadership

Prof. Jonsson has a strong interest in mentoring, leadership and pedagogic activities. Besides his own research group, he is the vice head of the LOE division and co-director of the cross-departmental Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials (AFM) at Linköping University. He is guiding several PhD students and postdoc and has been involved in undergraduate teaching at the university via courses in physics, chemistry and organic electronics. He is also deputy member of the educational board for physics, mathematics and electronics. In 2019-2020, he was the chair of the Young Academy of Sweden, which gathers around 35 prominent early-stage research leaders.

Societal engagement, research policy and industry collaboration

Since the start of his academic career, Prof. Jonsson has been interested in public outreach and the role of research in society. In 2022 he was one of the delegates of the Royal Technology Mission organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and led by H.M The King of Sweden. During his undergraduate studies at Lund University he was a teacher for children coming to the university to do simple experiments and to learn how fun and important science is (2000-2002). He was then part of the Physics and Laser show at Lund University for many years (2002-2008). More recently, he had the chance to be involved in and organise several outreach activities via the Young Academy of Sweden (2015-2020), including summer school for high school students and popular science presentation at the Swedish parliament. Likewise, the Young Academy of Sweden formed an important platform for Prof. Jonssons’ interest in research policy. He has been involved in writing several debate articles and policy documents, as well as panel debates and meetings with politicians. Some of these activities have been jointly held with other organisations, such as funding agencies and other academies, including the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (KVA), the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), and young academies in other countries. At the research side, Prof. Jonsson’s activities include applied projects that have resulted in patent applications and/or been performed in collaboration with industry.

Magnus Jonsson LOEMagnus Jonsson in Photonics lab at LiU.
Foto: Thor Balkhed




Suraya Kazi, Pravallika Bandaru, Haoran Tang, Yulong Duan, Shangzhi Chen, Fei Huang, Magnus Jonsson (2024) n-Type redox-tuneable conducting polymer optical nanoantennas Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Chaoyang Kuang, Shangzhi Chen, Mingna Liao, Aiman Rahmanudin, Debashree Banerjee, Jesper Edberg, Klas Tybrandt, Dan Zhao, Magnus Jonsson (2024) Electrically tunable infrared optics enabled by flexible ion-permeable conducting polymer-cellulose paper NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS, Vol. 8, Article 55 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mingna Liao, Dan Zhao, Magnus Jonsson (2024) Solar Heating Modulated by Evaporative Cooling Provides Intermittent Temperature Gradients for Ionic Thermoelectric Supercapacitors Advanced Functional Materials (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ayesha Sultana, Alois Wurger, Ziyauddin Khan, Mingna Liao, Magnus Jonsson, Reverant Crispin, Dan Zhao (2024) The Origin of Thermal Gradient-Induced Voltage in Polyelectrolytes Small, Vol. 20, Article 2308102 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Chaoyang Kuang, Shangzhi Chen, Min Luo, Qilun Zhang, Xiao Sun, Shaobo Han, Qingqing Wang, Vallery Stanishev, Vanya Darakchieva, Reverant Crispin, Mats Fahlman, Dan Zhao, Qiye Wen, Magnus Jonsson (2024) Switchable Broadband Terahertz Absorbers Based on Conducting Polymer-Cellulose Aerogels Advanced Science, Vol. 11, Article 2305898 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



Recent news

Researcher photographed through an aluminum tube.

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Nanoantennas for light controlled electrically

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