
Moa Yngve

Associate Professor

My research focuses on student participation and engagement in education and the creation of inclusive learning environments to enable all students to reach their full potential.

Inclusive Learning Environments – A Prerequisite for Student Engagement and Participation in Education

Many students struggle to meet academic goals due to inadequate adaptations and support, which can lead to long-term issues such as poor health and social exclusion. Inclusive learning environments are essential for fostering participation, engagement, learning, and development for all students. Both my doctoral project and current research focus on student engagement and interventions designed to address the support needs of students.

Partnering for Change (P4C) – Interprofessional Collaboration in Schools

In an interdisciplinary research project funded by FORTE, we are investigating the impact of P4C on student engagement, health, and participation, as well as its cost-effectiveness and the school staff's knowledge of inclusive learning environments and adaptations that address the diverse needs of students.

P4C, developed in Canada, is a school-based interprofessional service delivery model where teachers and occupational therapists collaborate to create inclusive learning environments. The P4C is based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Response to Intervention (RTI), with interventions provided at the class, group, and individual levels. Our previous feasibility study demonstrated that P4C is implementable in Swedish primary schools and may significantly contribute to student health services.

Learn more about P4C in Sweden

Upper Secondary Students' Participation in School Activities

My doctoral project investigated participation in school activities among upper secondary school students with special educational needs (SEN) and whether an intervention using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) improved their participation. Additionally, it examined these students' participation in work and further studies one year after graduation.

The thesis revealed that upper secondary students with SEN experience limited participation in many school activities and are often dissatisfied with the adaptations provided. The findings suggest that the school environment, particularly in academic activities, needs improvement to enhance participation among students with SEN. Support needs were highest among students with high absenteeism, those enrolled in vocational programs, or those with neuropsychiatric diagnoses. The support needs of these students should be carefully assessed and addressed. Based on the thesis findings, the assessment instrument “School Setting Interview” (SSI) can be used to gather valid information about support needs in school activities, allowing for the planning and evaluation of interventions to increase student participation. The thesis also demonstrated that a personalized ICT intervention can improve participation in school activities for upper secondary students with SEN. Additionally, the results indicated that the former students with SEN who received an ICT intervention during their schooling believed in their work ability.

Link to thesis: Participation and ICT: Students with Special Educational Needs in Upper Secondary School

Psychometric Evaluation of Assessment Instruments

Reliable assessment methods are crucial for evaluating needs, providing appropriate interventions, and measuring changes in outcomes over time. Psychometric evaluation of assessment instruments is therefor crucial.

A significant aspect of my research involves instrument development and psychometric evaluation of various assessment instruments using Rasch analysis. In collaboration with researchers at Linköping University and other Swedish and international universities, I conduct studies on the psychometric properties of assessment instruments. My primary focus has been on assessments related to vocational rehabilitation and assessments of work ability. Current projects also involve the Swedish version of the Empowerment Audiology Questionnaire (EmpAQ SWE-15 and EmpAQ SWE-5), which assesses empowerment in daily life among hearing aid users.

About me


Academic Degrees / Qualifications

  • Doctor of Medical Sceience, 2021
  • Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy, 2013
  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, Licensed Occupational Therapist, 2011

Positions of Employment

  • 2023–present: Senior Lecturer, Linköping University
  • 2022–2023: Senior Lecturer, Uppsala University
  • 2015–2021: Doctoral Student, Linköping University
  • 2012–2015: Project Manager and Innovation Advisor, LiU Innovation, Linköping University


  • Deputy Program Director for the Occupational Therapy Program, LiU, 2025
  • Member of the Program Committee for the Occupational Therapy Program, LiU, 2025–
  • Deputy Chair of the Program Committee for the Occupational Therapy Program, Uppsala University, 2022–2023
  • Responsible for developing the Innovation Profile for the Occupational Therapy Program at Uppsala University, 2022–2023



Vedrana Bolic Baric, Moa Yngve, Anette Hoglund, Gunnar Ahlsten, Helene Lidström, Ingela Kristiansen (2025) Long-term outcome and rehabilitation needs after acquired brain injury in children and adolescents - an evaluation in a Swedish cohort Disability and Rehabilitation (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Elin Ekbladh, Moa Yngve, Jeanette Melin (2024) Initial evaluation of measurement properties of the Work Environment Impact Questionnaire (WEIQ) - using Rasch analysis Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 22, Article 43 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Vedrana Bolic Baric, Helene Lidstrom, Maria Borgestig (2024) Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools European Journal of Special Needs Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Helene Lidström (2024) Implementation of information and communication technology to facilitate participation in high school occupations for students with neurodevelopmental disorders Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Vol. 19, p. 2017-2025 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Moa Yngve, Elin Ekbladh, Helene Lidström, Helena Hemmingsson (2023) Information and communication technology to improve school participation among upper secondary school students with special educational needs Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 30, p. 311-321 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI




Doctoral student, registered occupational therapist, MSc


2011-2012 MSc in Occupational therapy on the integrated Masters programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University

2008-2011 Occupational therapist diploma, the Occupational therapist programme at Linköping University, Campus Norrköping

Scientific papers

Degree project 15 HE credits, D level: Clinical Utility of the Worker Role Interview

Degree project 15 HE credits, Description of psychosocial factors for people who are seeking employment, based on the assessment instrument The Worker Role Interview.

Other courses

2014 The 5 Disciplines of Innovation & Value Creation (Almi)

2013 Technology Transfer (Snitts), Praktisk Projektstyrning Steg 1/Practical project management Step 1 (Tieto)

2012 Bedömning av arbetsförmåga/Assessment of work ability (Elin Ekbladh & Jan Sandqvist)

Scientific publications

Yngve, M & Ekbladh, E. Clinical Utility of the Worker Role Interview – A Survey Study among Swedish Users. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2015; 22:1-8


Conference talk at CHILD (research network Children, Health, Intervention, Learning och Development) 2015: Yngve, M. Teknikstöd för gymnasieelever med kognitiva svårigheter (Assistive technology for students in upper secondary school with cognitive difficulties)

Conference talk at Arbetsterapiforum (Occupational Therapy Forum) 2015: Lindh Falk, A & Yngve, M. Att involvera studenter i 

förbättringsarbete – ett stöd för intraprenörskap i hälso-sjukvården (Involving students in improvement work – support for entrepreneurship in health and medical care).

Conference talk at Arbetsterapiforum (Occupational Therapy Forum) 2013: The Worker Role Interview:s användbarhet (the utility of the Worker Role Interview).

Professional experience

2015- Doctoral student, Linköping University, the Department of Social and Welfare Studies.

2012-2015 Project manager InnovationskontorEtt, Linköping University. Full-time work as project manager and innovation adviser at Campus Norrköping and the Faculty of Health Sciences.

June-August 2012 Registered occupational therapist, Lessebo municipality. Holiday substitute as occupational therapist for the elderly.
