Photo of Moa Yngve

Moa Yngve

Associate Professor

The results of my thesis will hopefully contribute to creating a more supportive school environment that maximises opportunities for upper secondary school pupils with special needs to achieve education goals and to participate actively in school.

Assistive technology for cognition for pupils needing special support

The overall aim of the PhD project is to examine if individualized support, including assistive technology for cognition (ATC), increase opportunities to reach the goal of education for students in need of special support (with and without diagnosis) and if the support have effects on the transition to work and further studies.

Students in upper secondary education in need of special support, both with and without a diagnosis, are overrepresented among those that transit directly from school to unemployment. Having a complete certificate from upper secondary school is also less common for these students.

Students in need of special support may have cognitive difficulties to follow instructions, problems with concentration or having reading- and writings difficulties. Some of these students have a diagnosis such as ADHD, Asperger syndrome, intellectual disabilities or dyslexia. However not all students in need of special support have received a diagnosis although they may experience about the same cognitive difficulties as those with a diagnosis.

Assistive technology for cognition (ATC) is a type of Information Communication Technology (ICT) that aims to support cognitive skills. ATC is an area with high potential that has not yet been systematically investigated in relation to students in need of special support. Examples of ATC are computers, smartphones and tablets with applications that can assist a person’s ability to write, read, gain knowledge but also reminding someone to perform a task/homework at the appropriate time, support a student to initiate and to plan and organize school activities.

The research project’s longitudinal follow-up of the intervention’s effect on the transition to work or further studies is unique, as similar intervention studies are rare. The results of the project will provide new knowledge, at the individual as well as the community level, which will hopefully contribute to creating supportive school environments that maximise the opportunities for upper secondary pupils with special needs to achieve their education goals, and to participate actively in school.

This research is part of the research theme Disability in school – transition to work.

Teaching future occupational therapists

I teach on the Occupational Therapy programme, where I am involved in three courses. Anette Kjellberg and I coordinate the Design component in course 8. I lecture on the development of ideas on entrepreneurship/innovation in relation to the occupational therapist profession. I am also the group tutor on this course. In course 7 I am the contact teacher for students on placements (abbreviated VFU in Swedish).

I am also supervising first-cycle projects and papers.



Elin Ekbladh, Moa Yngve, Jeanette Melin (2024) Initial evaluation of measurement properties of the Work Environment Impact Questionnaire (WEIQ) - using Rasch analysis Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 22, Article 43 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Vedrana Bolic Baric, Helene Lidstrom, Maria Borgestig (2024) Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools European Journal of Special Needs Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Moa Yngve, Elin Ekbladh, Helene Lidström, Helena Hemmingsson (2023) Information and communication technology to improve school participation among upper secondary school students with special educational needs Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 30, p. 311-321 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Helene Lidström (2023) Implementation of information and communication technology to facilitate participation in high school occupations for students with neurodevelopmental disorders Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Helene Lidström, Helena Hemmingsson, Elin Ekbladh (2023) Establishment in productive occupations and perceived work ability among former students with special educational needs one year after upper secondary education Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, Vol. 75, p. 85-95 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research theme

Research project


Doctoral student, registered occupational therapist, MSc


2011-2012 MSc in Occupational therapy on the integrated Masters programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University

2008-2011 Occupational therapist diploma, the Occupational therapist programme at Linköping University, Campus Norrköping

Scientific papers

Degree project 15 HE credits, D level: Clinical Utility of the Worker Role Interview

Degree project 15 HE credits, Description of psychosocial factors for people who are seeking employment, based on the assessment instrument The Worker Role Interview.

Other courses

2014 The 5 Disciplines of Innovation & Value Creation (Almi)

2013 Technology Transfer (Snitts), Praktisk Projektstyrning Steg 1/Practical project management Step 1 (Tieto)

2012 Bedömning av arbetsförmåga/Assessment of work ability (Elin Ekbladh & Jan Sandqvist)

Scientific publications

Yngve, M & Ekbladh, E. Clinical Utility of the Worker Role Interview – A Survey Study among Swedish Users. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2015; 22:1-8


Conference talk at CHILD (research network Children, Health, Intervention, Learning och Development) 2015: Yngve, M. Teknikstöd för gymnasieelever med kognitiva svårigheter (Assistive technology for students in upper secondary school with cognitive difficulties)

Conference talk at Arbetsterapiforum (Occupational Therapy Forum) 2015: Lindh Falk, A & Yngve, M. Att involvera studenter i 

förbättringsarbete – ett stöd för intraprenörskap i hälso-sjukvården (Involving students in improvement work – support for entrepreneurship in health and medical care).

Conference talk at Arbetsterapiforum (Occupational Therapy Forum) 2013: The Worker Role Interview:s användbarhet (the utility of the Worker Role Interview).

Professional experience

2015- Doctoral student, Linköping University, the Department of Social and Welfare Studies.

2012-2015 Project manager InnovationskontorEtt, Linköping University. Full-time work as project manager and innovation adviser at Campus Norrköping and the Faculty of Health Sciences.

June-August 2012 Registered occupational therapist, Lessebo municipality. Holiday substitute as occupational therapist for the elderly.



Elin Ekbladh, Moa Yngve, Jeanette Melin (2024) Initial evaluation of measurement properties of the Work Environment Impact Questionnaire (WEIQ) - using Rasch analysis Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 22, Article 43 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Vedrana Bolic Baric, Helene Lidstrom, Maria Borgestig (2024) Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools European Journal of Special Needs Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Moa Yngve, Elin Ekbladh, Helene Lidström, Helena Hemmingsson (2023) Information and communication technology to improve school participation among upper secondary school students with special educational needs Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 30, p. 311-321 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Collaboration with researchers in Occupational therapy