
Vedrana Bolic Baric

Associate Professor

School, and then? The occupational transition to working life and further education can be problematic for young adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities. I am interested in this transition process for young adults with Asperger’s syndrome and ADHD.

The occupational transition process from secondary to upper secondary school, to further studies and working life

The project “Support at school and the transition to upper secondary school, further studies and work – young adults with Asperger’s syndrome and ADHD” investigates the transition process from the perspective of young adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities.

The project is about adolescents and young adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities and their everyday life, with particular respect to support at school and the occupational transition to upper secondary school, further studies and/or working life. The transition process from secondary to upper secondary school, working life and/or further studies implies new challenges and is a critical point for many young adults with Asperger’s syndrome (AS) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). What kind of support they receive in secondary and upper secondary school and during the subsequent period can have considerable significance for young adults’ establishment in the labour market. The project sets out from the informants’ own perspectives and experiences of support at school and the transition process for secondary to upper secondary school, further studies and/or working life.

I am also involved in the RemindMe project, testing a new, interactive and web-based reminder system among young adults with neuropsychiatric difficulties.

Teaching on the Occupational Therapy programme

I teach mainly on the Occupational Therapy programme, where I am the course coordinator of the course “ICF, classification of functioning, disability and health”, and its application. I teach and lecturer on the international classifications ICF and ICF-CY on the second-cycle course “Health and participation in occupational therapy – a global perspective”. I supervise degree projects and group tutors, primarily on course 8.


Cover of publication ''
Vedrana Bolic, Kristina Hellberg, Anette Kjellberg, Helena Hemmingsson (2016)

Autism , Vol.20 , s.183-195 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Vedrana Bolic, Lena Haglund, Anette Kjellberg (2012)
Cover of publication ''
Vedrana Bolic Baric, Helene Lidström, Nils Thelin, Anette Kjellberg, Helena Hemmingsson (2014)

16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists: Sharing Traditions, Creating Futures


Katarina Baudin, Johannes H Österholm, Ingrid Hellstrom, Vedrana Bolic Baric, Åsa Larsson Ranada (2025) Does welfare technology contribute to security, activity, participation and independence within municipal elder care? A qualitative study protocol BMJ Open, Vol. 15, Article e094424 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vedrana Bolic Baric, Moa Yngve, Anette Hoglund, Gunnar Ahlsten, Helene Lidström, Ingela Kristiansen (2025) Long-term outcome and rehabilitation needs after acquired brain injury in children and adolescents - an evaluation in a Swedish cohort Disability and Rehabilitation (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Vedrana Bolic Baric, Gunilla Liedberg, Hanna Lundell, Mathilda Björk, Christina Turesson (2024) Digital coaching and its potential to support the return-to-work-process for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain - A focus group study Digital Health, Vol. 10, Article 20552076241300222 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vedrana Bolic, Åsa Larsson Ranada, Jessica Berg (2024) The whole journey chain with public transport for people with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a scoping review Transport reviews, Vol. 44, p. 1136-1160 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Yngve, Vedrana Bolic Baric, Helene Lidstrom, Maria Borgestig (2024) Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools European Journal of Special Needs Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research project

Results from the research

School activities using the computer

The project also investigates how the use of computers and the internet creates conditions for participation at school and during leisure for adolescents with ADHD, in comparison with adolescents with physical disabilities and adolescents without disabilities.

The image shows how large a share of the different groups used a computer during school activities. Further results from the research project:

Support at school and the transition to upper secondary school, further studies and work




Research project

ICF and Academic qualifications

ICF-International classification of functioning, disability and health

Together with Ann-Helen Almborg from the National Board of Health and Welfare and Lena Haglund from the Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV), and on commission from the National Board of Health and Welfare, training material on the international ICF and ICF-CY classifications of functioning, disability and health has been developed.

  • Almborg A-H, Bolic V, Haglund L. 2011. ICF/ICF-CY training material. Part 1 – Introduction to the model, structure and content.
  • Almborg A-H, Bolic V, Haglund L. 2011. ICF/ICF-CY training material. Part 2 – Coding.

Academic qualifications

• Registered occupational therapist 2007

• MSc in occupational therapy 2010

External partner