Photo of Nedzad Mesic

Nedzad Mesic

Associate Professor

My research interest has a multi-disciplinary orientation in the fields of migration and pedagogical work.

Pedagogical work, migration and social inclusion

The fields of migration and pedagogical work have constituted the two main themes in my research. Within this framework I have studied citizenship and labour rights, collective action and social inclusion. 

Ongoing research projects

I am currently conducting research on:

  • The utilization of biometrics and information technology systems in EU migration management in the research project: ”Managing the Unreliability of Migration Control: A Study of Biometrics and EU Information Technology Systems in Sweden”, which is led by associate professor Anna Bredström (IKOS, REMESO) and financed by the The Swedish Research Council (2019-02143)
  • Adult newly arrived migrants’ encounters with governmental and civil society orchestrated language education in the research project: “Migration, language learning and social inclusion”, which is led by professor Andreas Fejes (IBL, PVL) and financed by the The Swedish Research Council (2019-03902)

In addition to these four-year research projects, I am currently participating in three studies focusing

  • rights and working conditions of seasonal workers in the Swedish berry business
  • distance learning and teaching at the teachers’ programme in the wake of the 2019-COVID pandemic
  • working and teaching conditions of pupil-assistants in Swedish primary schools


In 2017 I was awarded the degree of Doctor in Philosophy in the subject area of Ethnic and Migration Studies. My dissertation – Negotiating Solidarity: Collective Actions for Precarious Migrant Workers’ Rights in Sweden – examines collective actions aiming to improve the precarious conditions of three categories of migrant workers – discriminated, seasonal and undocumented. Precarious migrant workers are today an everyday part of the Swedish labour market. They often work under conditions of vulnerability, on temporary contracts and with few rights. The analysis foregrounds contemporary societal, economic, and legal transfigurations that create the conditions for collaboration among the actors. In four articles, I illustrate that there is a broad range of collective actors who are prepared to assist precarious migrant workers and to negotiate and at best improve their labour market conditions. These actors face many and difficult challenges. However, as the dissertation demonstrates, their engagement has made the reality of precarious migrant work visible to the public, legitimised the workers’ needs and enabled them to claim their rights.


My academic track began with master’s degrees in Education and Arts. I’m a licensed primary school teacher in society orientated subjects and have after M.Ed. worked as a class superintendent in a school for newly arrived migrant children. Today, I work as assistant professor in pedagogical work and teach at the Primary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Extended School Teaching; the Pre-school Teacher Programme; the Primary School Teacher Programme with a specialisation in Teaching in Early Years Classes and Grades 1-3 of the Compulsory School; the Bachelor´s Programme in Social and Cultural Analysis; and the Ethnic and Migration Studies, Master´s Programme. I am also, together with Maria Hugo-Lindén, trusted with the position of local work environment officer at IBL.

Current course supervision

  • Social Relations and Teacher Leadership (972G22)
  • Development and Learning (Extended School Teaching) (971G16)
  • Development and Learning, (Career-Based) (9EF507)
  • Field works – Essay (740G62)

Previous course supervision

  • Thesis in the General Field (9NAA04, 9NAA05)
  • Children and youth in need of support (9SB309)
  • Families in different life-situations (9SB310)
  • Social Processes of Teaching (9KPA05)
  • New social movements (740G44, 740G66)
  • Social Science 2 (972G21)

In addition to the courses listed above I have taught at the following courses:

  • Development and Learning, (Pre-school) (970G34)
  • Special Education (970G21)
  • Pedagogical Leadership in Preschool (970A04)
  • Visual Arts 2 (971G13)
  • Educational Assessment and Evaluation (971G18)
  • The societal role and task of school and school-age educare (9FVG05)
  • Conditions of Life - Upbringing - Identity, continuation course (740G06)
  • Normality and deviance (740G58)
  • Theory and Method in Social and Cultural Analysis - in-depth course (740G18)
  • Class, Labour Migration and Globalisation (742A23)
  • Counteracting Rasism and Xenophobia’ on the behalf of The Swedish National Agency for Education
  • Thesis in the General Field (9NAA02)
  • Thesis, Schoolage Educare (971G24)
  • Degree project in the field of preschool education (9U0020)
  • Bachelor Thesis, in-depth study (740G23)
  • Thesis 1, Social Sciences (972G26)



Nedzad Mesic, Andreas Fejes (2024) Vägar till arbete Vägar fram?: den sociala rörlighetens banor migrationens Sverige, p. 53-72 (Chapter in book)
Sofia Nyström, Andreas Fejes, Nedzad Mesic (2024) Relationsskapande och meningsfulla sammanhang Vägar fram?: Den sociala rörlighetens banor i migrationens Sverige, p. 73-87 (Chapter in book)
Magnus Dahlstedt, Andreas Fejes, Helena Colliander, Nedzad Mesic, Sofia Nordmark, Sofia Nyström, Maria Rydell (2024) Vägar fram Vägar fram? : Den sociala rörlighetens banor i migrationens Sverige, p. 167-182 (Chapter in book)
Johanna Andersson, Nedzad Mesic (2024) Distansförlagd arbetsmiljö: en kvalitativ studie av lärarstudenters och universitetslärares erfarenheter av förändrade utbildningsvillkor under covid-19-pandemin Högre Utbildning, Vol. 14, p. 59-73 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Andreas Fejes, Magnus Dahlstedt, Helena Colliander, Nedzad Mesic, Sofia Nordmark, Sofia Nyström, Maria Rydell (2023) Migration, språkligt lärande och social inkludering Resultatdialog 2023, p. 44-47 (Chapter in book)


