
Viktor Vesterberg

Associate Professor, Docent

My research mainly concerns working life, learning and education in relation to citizenship and inclusion/exclusion. I teach in pedagogy, behavioural sciences and at the HR program. I am also engaged as project leader at LiU commissioned education.

Working life, learning and citizenship

My research concerns learning for working life and education. I have studied various efforts and measures which seeks to support unemployed people to become employable. I have studied, among other things, career and job coaching, work placement and empowerment as different ways of supporting vulnerable and unemployed citizens. Furthermore, I examine how competences and the needs of organizations change in relation to the green transformation of working life and society. I investigate how different initiatives relate to various political ambitions such as citizenship rights, equality, social inclusion, and a sustainable working life.
In addition, I am engaged in educational research, focusing, for instance, on the importance of the free school choice and how this affects local politicians’ ambitions to provide citizens with equal education.

LiU Commissioned education

I also work as a project leader at LiU commissioned education, with a focus on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. As a project leader, together with university staff and other organizations, I develop relevant courses for organizations who want to strengthen their work with lifelong learning.



Viktor Vesterberg (2024) Book Review: Transforming subjectivities. Studies in human malleability in contemporary times in SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING, vol 61, issue 3-4, pp 426-429 Sociologisk forskning, Vol. 61, p. 426-429 (Article, book review) Continue to DOI
Viktor Vesterberg (2024) Knowledge, power, learning and diversity in recruitment processes Researching Work & Learning International Conference June 172024at Linköping University, Sweden (Conference paper)
Viktor Vesterberg (2024) Lärande för inkludering i arbetsliv och samhälle: Om sociala insatser riktade till utsatta EU-migranter i Sverige Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol. 29, p. 157-180 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Viktor Vesterberg, Magnus Dahlstedt (2023) Rätten till arbete för utsatta EU-medborgare i Sverige De sociala rättigheternas politik, p. 155-170 (Chapter in book)
Viktor Vesterberg (2023) Innebörden av självständighet bör förtydligas Universitetsläraren, Vol. 5, p. 44-44 (Article in journal)


I am currently mainly engaged in three research projects

  • GROWL – Greening of working life is a FORTE-funded program during 2023-2029. Within the framework of the program, we analyze the green transformation of working life at the individual, organizational and policy level. Furthermore, we examine how the green transition is carried out in practice, how it is experienced and understood by employees, managers, unions and politicians, how it is related to working conditions, workplace learning and innovation, as well as to policy at national and EU level.

  • MIR - Migrants in recruitment processes is a FORTE-funded project where I, together with colleagues from Linköping University and Stockholm School of Economics, investigate diversity and inclusion in working life from a recruitment perspective. In the project, we investigate recruitment processes in a number of organizations and interview key actors involved in hiring new staff.

  • School choice in a divided city is a project financed by Norrköping municipality where we investigate the introduction of compulsory school choice and how this possibly affects school segregation and education.

Research platforms
