Today, being able to search, select and evaluate information in studies, at workplace and in private life is crucial. Participation in library instruction will help LiU students to manage these challenges.

To succeed with a student thesis or other study assignments, abilities in information seeking are required. Library instruction provides students with tools for navigating the landscape of academic publishing as well as finding and accessing relevant scholarly publications and other information.

To be able to evaluate information and to know how to cite and refer sources in a proper manner – and thereby avoiding plagiarizing – are other important areas addressed in library instruction. The library also offers introductions in Zotero and EndNote, software for saving and handling references in academic texts.

In close cooperation with LiU teachers, we help students prepare for information seeking challenges during their education and in future working life.

We also offer seminars and workshops in information seeking, search strategies, citation databases, and Open Access issues for doctoral students.

One-to-one instruction in information seeking

The Library offers LiU students working on their thesis one-to-one sessions with information seeking instruction. Students can book a session at Liunet student, the intranet for LiU students.

LiU researchers and doctoral students can also book information seeking support from the Library, for example when doing an inventory of previous research or a systematic review.


Library instruction by the numbers

1190 hours

Hours dedicated to library instruction in 2023

10 678

The number of participants in library instruction in 2023

409 sessions

The number of one-to-one sessions in 2023
