Sustainable Business Models

A rapidly growing field of research in which researchers at LiU are at the forefront. The focus is on life cycle-based offerings and business models in which design and innovation are important components. The research is interdisciplinary and is conducted in close collaboration with small and large companies. 

Environmental issues can be viewed as problems that need to be solved, but also as opportunities to create resource-efficient solutions. The latter approach requires life cycle-based business models and customer offerings across a broad front and involves the development of combined product and service offerings. 

These ideas, which have long had a stronghold in Region Östergötland, where there is a growing cleantech industry, are spreading rapidly. LiU's researchers within engineering, as well in economics and the social sciences, were among the first to study this area and are contributing to its development. 

Even functional sales, in which companies sell a function rather than a product, e.g. a certain amount of transport instead of a new truck, or a refrigeration capacity instead of a freezer, are studied. A common factor here is the environmental and market potential that exists in a more life cycle-based and resource-efficient approach.

LiU also coordinates the research programme MistraREES to facilitate the transition to a more resource-efficient and circular economy, in a close collaboration between the academic and business worlds. 


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Centre for Business Model Innovation

The centre for business model innovation (CBMI) takes a starting point in the role of businesses in society, and the way in which business models are changed and renewed over time in order to adapt to societal and business changes.

Image with words as services, products, innovation

Products Services and Innovation

The unit is a research group that are leading experts in applied and transdisciplinary research on sustainable value creation based on a system perspective that enables effective and efficient use and preservation of resources.

Collage with images of the sun, soil. tomatoes, algae, water and plastic bottles

Resource productivity and sustainable business growth

Globally, natural and economic systems face growing challenges, all linked to ever increasing primary, and mostly fossil, resource use and pollutant emissions.


Mattias Lindahl.

The world's first ISO standards for a circular economy have arrived

Several researchers from the Linköping University have participated in the work to develop the world’s first ISO standards for a circular economy. The goal is a more sustainable society.

Mattias Lindahl.

Professor Mattias Lindahl is contributing to a global ISO standard

There are hundreds of definitions of circular economy in the world, which leads to confusion. A new ISO standard with a definition widely accepted and disseminated will remedy the situation.

Two female student, dissasembling an Ikea product.

Students disassemble Ikea products

This is part of a research project in which LiU students get to collaborate with the Swedish furniture giant. The students document possibility of repairing, replacing and reusing.