Bengt Ihre Research School - Research School of Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Cancer

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A national research school funded by the Bengt Ihre Foundation

The objective of Bengt Ihre Research School is to stimulate life-long careers with combined clinical practice and research.

Modern medical research is increasing in complexity, which necessitates extensive collaboration and knowledge transfer between clinical and basic scientists.

The course curriculum will give a deeper understanding of GI pathophysiology and methods and based on twinning principles and interactions between national centres within GI research and with international partners. General scientific methodology courses should be taken at the students’ respective home university.

The mission of Bengt Ihre Research School is to educate a new generation of investigators who will apply team efforts in interdisciplinary research free of professional boundaries and to gain momentum in the training of clinically oriented PhD students.

This combined approach will ensure truly translational PhD projects, from bench to bedside, to foster young researchers through a unique scholarly experience and thereby sustain Swedish gastrointestinal research at a world-class level.

Bengt Ihre Research School

Course Curriculum

An introductory course will start up and thereafter, one to two courses will run each semester. The courses in the program will be set up as a 3-day-2-night event with home assignment, to fulfill one week of work in total. All together there will be seven courses including the introductory course and you will receive their diplomas after two years.

What are the costs for the graduate school?

Accommodation and food in conjunction with the courses is payed by the graduate school.

You are responsible for your own travels to and from the courses.

Course package

  • Introduction of translationell gastrointestinal research, 8FO0040
  • Gastrointestinal physiology,8FO0077
  • Microbial pathogenesis of GI tract, 8FO0055
  • Innate immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, 8FO0048
  • Adaptive immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, 8FO0101
  • Studydesign in gastrointestinal research based on high-through put metods, 8FO0103
  • Carcinogenesis of the gastrointestinal tract, 8FO0102

Apply to Bengt Ihre Research School

Modern medical research is increasing in complexity, necessitating extensive collaboration and knowledge transfer between clinical and basic scientists. The Bengt Ihre Research School is a translational research school, that aims to educate a new generation of investigators in gastrointestinal inflammation and cancer who will apply team efforts in interdisciplinary research.


To participate in the Bengt Ihre Research School

The research school is a comprehensive course program that stretches over three years and seven separate 2-3 day courses. Students enroling in the program are expected to follow the complete course cycle. The course program is consistently translational and welcomes both clinical and basic PhD students. Bengt Ihre Research School is to be regarded as a complement to general scientific methodology courses taken a the home university.


Course fee

The fee for the research school, including meals and accommodation, is 20 000 kr. Home institutions cover travel costs.


Preliminary plan for the complete course cycle

  • Introduction to translational research in gastrointestinal diseases, November 2023
  • Gastrointestinal physiology, January/February 2024
  • Gastrointestinal pathology and microbial pathogenesis, May 2024
  • Innate immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, September/October 2024
  • Adaptive immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, January/February 2025
  • Study design in gastrointestinal research based on high throughput methods, May 2025
  • Carcinogenesis in the gastrointestinal tract, September/October 2025



Who can apply?

You should be registered as a PhD student (preferentially not beyond half time), or planned for registration within the next six months.


How do I apply?

  • Brief CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • A copy of certificate of registration for PhD studies, if applicable
  • Project plan (maximum 3 pages)
  • Complete invoice address
  • Letter of support from your main supervisor
  • Letter of support from your employer

Applications should be submitted in pdf-format by e-mail to Malin Sundberg (

Assessment of your application

All applications will be assessed and ranked by the Bengt Ihre Research School faculty. Criteria for assessment include: project within scope of research school, balance between clinicians and basic scientists and balance between universities.


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