Centre for Applied Ethics

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The Centre for Applied Ethics is a part of Linköping University. Here researchers, teachers and students meet to work together on ethical issues.

The last decades we have seen a growing interest in ethics and in applied ethics in particular. We face a number of new ethical challenges.

  • Information and communications technology is changing our society in different ways. How can we master the new technology so that it doesn’t–perhaps in an unnoticed way–go out of control?
  • The scientist is able to collect more and more personal information in registers. How should we balance the value of new knowledge and the right to privacy?
  • In a drive for efficiency, animals are reared in an industrial manner. Do we have moral obligations also towards animals?
  • Genetic testing makes it possible to detect hereditary diseases. Where is the limit for a responsible way of handling this information?
  • The new possibilities in medicine, combined with scarcity of resources, raise the question of priorities: Who is going to get the medical treatment?
  • Politics seems more and more governed by economic rationality. How can we design an ethical theory that is relevant for the political sphere?
  • Through globalisation people come closer to each other and national borders become less important. But what norms should govern the new globalised world?

The Centre for Applied Ethics is a resource for the various faculties of Linköping University. We offer courses in ethics and applied ethics. We also have a master’s programme in Applied Ethics in English. The research projects cover different issues in applied ethics like medical ethics, research ethics, ethics and politics, animal and environmental ethics, ethics of technology, ethics and migration, and ethics and globalisation.

New articles

Nordgren, A (2023), Pandemics and the precautionary principle: an analysis taking the Swedish Corona Commission's report as a point of departure Medicine, Health care and Philosophy

Lindblom L, Namli E (2022), From the Editors De Ethica, Vol. 7, s. 1-2, DOI

Gustavsson E, Björk J (2022), The Ethical Relevance of "Alternatives" in Health Care Priority Setting - The Case of Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol. 95, s. 359-365

Gustavsson E (2022), Vi måste prata om vårdens prioriteringar i kristid Forskning & framsteg

Gustavsson E, Kåreklint L (2022),The resilience of health care systems and priority setting ethics BMJ Global Health 2022;7:A13.

Gustavsson E, Kåreklint L (2022), Prioriteringar inför händelse av kris och krig Prioriteringscentrum – 20 år i rättvisans tjänst, Forskning & Framsteg s. 139-145

Gustavsson E, Raaschou P, Larfars G, Sandman L, Juth N (2022), Comments: The ethics of disease-modifying drugs targeting Alzheimer disease: response to our commentators (vol.47, issue 9, page :608-614) Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 48, DOI

Collste, G, (2022), Communication of ethics – across cultural boundaries. Sage Journals.

Collste, G, (2022), ‘Where you live should not determine whether you live’. Global justice and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. Ethics & Global Politics.

Nordgren A, (2022), Artificial intelligence and climate change: ethical issues. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. DOI 10.1108/JICES-11-2021-0106.

Nordgren A, (2021), Pessimism and Optimism in the Debate on Climate Change: A Critical Analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34(4). DOI: 10.1007/s10806-021-09865-0.

Lindblom, L (2021), Justice and Exploitation in Cohen's Account of Socialism, i The Journal of Value Inquiry

Lindblom L (2021), Stabil rättvisa - Rawls stabilitetskriterium för rättviseteorier Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, Vol. 25, s. 63-75

Lindblom L (2021), Hur värden hänger ihop, och hur det hänger ihop med rättvisa svenskfilosofi.se

Lindblom L, Namli E (2021), De Ethica

Gustavsson, E., Galvis, G. & Juth, N. (2020), Genetic testing for breast cancer risk, from BRCA1/2 to a seven gene panel: an ethical analysis, i BMC Medical Ethics
Bülow, W. & Lindblom, L. (2020), The Social Injustice of Parental Imprisonment, i Moral Philosophy and Politics
Lindblom, L (2020), Likvärdighet och jämlikhet, i Tidskrift för politisk filosofi

Gustavsson, E. et al. (2020), The ethical dilemma of granulocyte transfusions, i Clinical Ethics

Gustavsson, E. & Tinghög, G. (2020), Needs and cost-effectiveness in health care priority setting, i Health and Technology

Palm, E (2020), Externalized Migration Governance and the Limits of Sovereignty: The Case of Partnership Agreements between EU and Libya, i Theoria

Nordgren, A (2019), Designing Preclinical Studies in Germline Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Aspects. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16(4): 559-570.

Palm, E (2019), Kevin Macnish The Ethics of Surveillance - An Introduction. Routledge, New York, 2017. 216 pp. isbn 978‐1‐138‐64378‐9 Theoria

The Philosophy and Applied Ethics research environment

Research News



Visiting Address

Valla Campus The Key Building 2nd floor

Postal Address

Centre for Applied Ethics Linköping University SE-581 83 Linköping SWEDEN



Board for the Center for Applied Ethics 

Linköping University (LiU) decides to appoint the following people as members of the board for the Center for Applied Ethics for the period from and including April 8, 2024 and until further notice, however, at the latest until December 31, 2026.

Professor Emeritus Göran Collste, (chair) LiU

Professor Elena Namli, Uppsala University

Universitetslektorn Ola Leiffler, Faculty of Science and Engineering, LiU

Professor David Ludvigsson, Educational Sciences, LiU

Universitetslektorn Helena Röcklinsberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Professor Lars Sandman, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, LiU

Teologie doktor Lars Vikinge, Linköping Council

Professor Kristin Zeiler, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, LiU

In addition to these, a student representative should be appointed by the student unions.
