LGBTIQ+ young people’s lived experiences of homophobic bullying in Swedish Schools

A woman waving a Pride flag.
Cristina Moliner

The project investigates LGBTIQ+ young people's experiences of homophobic bullying in school. The research can contribute with important knowledge on experiences, the associated effects on their wellbeing; and what might be protective factors.

In 2023, a research project will start at IBL, the department of behavioral science and learning, at Linköping University, where we will investigate LGBTIQ+ youth's experiences of homophobic bullying at school.

In the study, LGBTIQ+ high school youth aged 16-19 are interviewed about their direct or indirect experiences of homophobic bullying; how they perceive these experiences to have affected their sense of wellbeing; what support and/or assistance they perceive was provided to those who were bullied; and which forms of support and/or assistance the young people perceive to be most effective for dealing with and protecting against homophobic bullying in schools.

Through this project we will learn more about experiences of homophobic bullying, the associated effects on wellbeing; and what might be protective factors. This area of research has been unexplored in Sweden. Answering these questions will therefore address several lacunae in knowledge about young LGBTIQ+ people’s experiences of homophobic bullying in the Swedish context.

The project is approved by the Ethical Review Board and financed by the Swedish Research Council.

