Pedersen Group - Chemistryat the vapour-solid interface to manipulate materials at the atomic scale

Group picture of Henrik Pedersen group
Pedersen Group 2024

We are living in a material world and chemistry is key to make, and shape materials at the smallest scales. The Pedersen research group at Linköping University is using and studying chemical reactions, at the interphase between surfaces and gases, capable of manipulating materials at the atomic scale.

Thin films, or thin layers of materials, are all around us, from the photochromic coating on windows to the hard coating on drills. All electronic devices are constructed from stacks of thin films with carefully controlled properties. Much of the work in the Pedersen group is centred around chemical vapour deposition (CVD), a process for deposing thin film by chemical reaction s between molecules and surfaces. Our aim is to develop better CVD routes to deposit materials for applications ranging from hard coatings on cutting tools, to neutron converter layers for neutron detectors, to electrically conducting, insulating, and semiconducting layers for electronic chip fabrication. We are also exploring “reversed CVD”, i.e., etching of materials by surface chemical reactions.

Plasma discharge above the substrate holder Plasma discharge above the substrate holder in one of our CVD reactors.

Surface chemistry is central

vCross section electron micrograph of a silicon carbide Cross section electron micrograph of a silicon carbide film where the crystal orientation was altered during the CVD growth by using aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons in alternating cycles. From Huang et al. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2022, 447, 128853. Fully controlled and fully understood surface chemistry is at the centre of our research. To this goal we explore various time-resolved CVD approaches, e.g., atomic layer deposition (ALD), surface passivating molecules, and reaction kinetics control to enhance deposition into deep features. We are pioneering surface chemical reactions with free electrons from plasmas, accessing new ways to deposit and etch materials.

Sustainable production

Illustratiive oicture showing Perfectly conformal, amorphous B5C film deposited on a 8:1 aspect ratio silicon structure Perfectly conformal, amorphous B5C film deposited on a 8:1 aspect ratio silicon structure by controlling the deposition kinetics in a continuous CVD process. From Choolakkal et al. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 2023, 41, 013401. We are also studying how CVD processesCross section electron micrograph of a silicon carbide film where the crystal orientation was altered during the CVD growth by using aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons in alternating cycles. From Huang et al. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2022, 447, 128853.can be more sustainable by better design of CVD reactors and CVD chemistry, and by developing life cycle assessment (LCA) methods for CVD processes. The aim of our work is easier and better processes to manipulate materials at the atomic scale for e.g., a better and more sustainable fabrication of chips. Such processes have relevance for several of the UN sustainability goals, e.g., Clean Energy (goal 7), and Industrial Innovation (goal 9).

We collaborate closely with computational groups for studies of CVD gas phase- and surface chemistry, and with materials science- and plasma physics groups, as well as with several companies. If you want to do a bachelor- och master thesis with us, or collaborate in some way, please contact Henrik Pedersen.

IllustrationAdsorption of trimethyl aluminium onto an amino terminated AlN (0001) surface showing (a) the potential energy surface for adsorption and (b) the molecular structure for adsorption at an energy minimum, forming a Lewis adduct, and (c) transition state structure for diffusing between two Lewis adduct sites. From Rönnby et al. J. Mater. Chem. C 2023, 11, 13935.

Iridescent disc on net.

Successful outcomes for IFM's materials research in WASP-WISE pilot call

WASP and WISE have recently awarded grants to nine collaborative projects, three of which include participants from the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

Person holding a small iridescent disc with tweezers.

Better digital memories with the help of noble gases

The electronics of the future can be made even smaller and more efficient by getting more memory cells to fit in less space. One way to achieve this is by adding the noble gas xenon when manufacturing digital memories.

Building from the outside, signpost

Interdisciplinary research on IVA’s 100 List

Five research projects from LiU are on the 100 List of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). The list pulls together projects with great potential to create value in society.



Arun Haridas Choolakkal, Pamburayi Mpofu, Pentti Niiranen, Jens Birch, Henrik Pedersen (2025) Using a Heavy Inert Diffusion Additive for Superconformal Atomic Layer Deposition The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 16, p. 2369-2372 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Arun Haridas Choolakkal, Ingemar Persson, Jarkko Etula, Emma Salmi, Taneli Juntunen, Per O A Persson, Jens Birch, Henrik Pedersen (2025) Conformal chemical vapor deposition of B4C thin films onto carbon nanotubes Nanoscale (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Nathan O'brien, Henrik Pedersen (2025) Triazenide based metal precursors for vapour deposition Dalton Transactions (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Pentti Niiranen, Felicia Andersson, Daniel Lundin, Lars Ojamäe, Henrik Pedersen (2025) Plasma decomposition of ferrocene Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 162, Article 034703 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Arun Haridas Choolakkal, Pentti Niiranen, Samira Dorri, Jens Birch, Henrik Pedersen (2024) Competitive co-diffusion as a route to enhanced step coverage in chemical vapor deposition Nature Communications, Vol. 15 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pamburayi Mpofu, Houyem Hafdi, Jonas Lauridsen, Oscar Alm, Tommy Larsson, Henrik Pedersen (2024) A mass spectrometrical surface chemistry study of aluminum nitride ALD from tris-dimethylamido aluminum and ammonia Materials Advances (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sachin Sharma, Laurent Souqui, Justinas Palisaitis, Duc Quang Hoang, Ivan Gueorguiev Ivanov, Per O A Persson, Hans Högberg, Henrik Pedersen (2024) On the origin of epitaxial rhombohedral-B4C growth by CVD on 4H-SiC Dalton Transactions, Vol. 53, p. 10730-10736 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pamburayi Mpofu, Houyem Hafdi, Pentti Niiranen, Jonas Lauridsen, Oscar Alm, Tommy Larsson, Henrik Pedersen (2024) Surface chemistry in atomic layer deposition of AlN thin films from Al(CH3)3 and NH3 studied by mass spectrometry Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 12, p. 12818-12824 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Collin Rowe, Ankit Kashyap, Geetu Sharma, Naveen Goyal, Johan G. Alauzun, Sean T. Barry, Narayanan Ravishankar, Ajay Soni, Per Eklund, Henrik Pedersen, Ganpati Ramanath (2024) Nanomolecularly-induced Effects at Titania/Organo-Diphosphonate Interfaces for Stable Hybrid Multilayers with Emergent Properties ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 7, p. 11225-11233 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sachin Sharma, Justinas Palisaitis, Ivan Gueorguiev Ivanov, Per O Å Persson, Henrik Pedersen, Hans Högberg (2024) The Influence of Carbon on Polytype and Growth Stability of Epitaxial Hexagonal Boron Nitride Films Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol. 11, Article 2400091 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pentti Niiranen, Anna Kapran, Hama Nadhom, Martin Cada, Zdenek Hubicka, Henrik Pedersen, Daniel Lundin (2024) Plasma electron characterization in electron chemical vapor deposition Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 42, Article 023006 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Giane Damas, Karl Rönnby, Henrik Pedersen, Lars Ojamäe (2023) Thermal decomposition of trimethylindium and indium trisguanidinate precursors for InN growth: An ab initio and kinetic modeling study Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 158, Article 174313 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Karl Rönnby, Henrik Pedersen, Lars Ojamäe (2023) Surface chemical mechanisms of trimethyl aluminum in atomic layer deposition of AlN Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 11, p. 13935-13945 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jing-Jia Huang, Christian Militzer, Charles Wijayawardhana, Urban Forsberg, Henrik Pedersen (2023) Superconformal silicon carbide coatings via precursor pulsed chemical vapor deposition Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 41, Article 030403 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Karl Rönnby, Henrik Pedersen, Lars Ojamäe (2023) On the limitations of thermal atomic layer deposition of InN using ammonia Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 41, Article 020401 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Arun Haridas Choolakkal, Hans Högberg, Jens Birch, Henrik Pedersen (2023) Conformal chemical vapor deposition of boron-rich boron carbide thin films from triethylboron Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 41, Article 013401 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pentti Niiranen, Hama Nadhom, Michal Zanaska, Robert Boyd, Mauricio Sortica, Daniel Primetzhofer, Daniel Lundin, Henrik Pedersen (2023) Biased quartz crystal microbalance method for studies of chemical vapor deposition surface chemistry induced by plasma electrons Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 94, Article 023902 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Henrik Pedersen, Hsu Chih-Wei, Neeraj Nepal, Jefferey M. Woodward, Charles R. Eddy (2023) Atomic Layer Deposition as the Enabler for the Metastable Semiconductor InN and Its Alloys Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 23, p. 7010-7025 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
M. Povoli, A. Kok, O. Koybasi, M. Getz, G. ONeill, D. Roehrich, E. Monakhov, Henrik Pedersen, Jens Birch, Arun Haridas Choolakkal, K. Kanaki, C. -C. Lai, R. Hall-Wilton, T. Slavicek, I. Llamas Jansa (2023) 3D silicon detectors for neutron imaging applications Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 18, Article C01056 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ganpati Ramanath, Collin Rowe, Geetu Sharma, Venkat Venkataramani, Johan G. Alauzun, Ravishankar Sundararaman, Pawel Keblinski, Davide Sangiovanni, Per Eklund, Henrik Pedersen (2023) Engineering inorganic interfaces using molecular nanolayers Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 122, Article 260502 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

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