Theory and modelling for organic electronics

Graphic illustration
Illustration: JF Franco-Gonzalez

Theory and modelling for organic electronics

Inside a nanocellulose foam
Inside a nanocellulose foam (image: A. Mehandzhiyski)

Experimental progress and development of new materials and devices is difficult without fundamental understanding of their basic properties such as morphology, electronic structure, character of ionic and electron transport, and the device functionality. The theoretical simulation and modelling of the basic properties of organic materials and devices represent the main focus of the research activity of our group.

Tunable aromaticity of C18 cyclocarbon precursor
Tunable aromaticity of C18 cyclocarbon precursor (image: G. Baryshnikov)
Our research focuses on the electronic, optical, structural, and transport properties of small molecules, conducting polymers, biopolymers, organic macromolecules and composites. We also model corresponding devices such as organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), fuel cells, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and more.

The theoretical tools in our computational modeling include ab initio methods for electronic structure calculations and optical properties, such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), its non-stationary time-dependent (TD) variation, plane-wave (PW) DFT. We also use molecular dynamics (MD) techniques (first-principle, classical, coarse-grained, and supra coarse-grained), multi-scale charge transport calculations, various machine learning techniques, and the Nernst-Planck-Poisson approach for device modeling.

Our computational studies are conducted in close collaboration with experimental facilities of our group, other groups within Laboratory of Organic Electronics and around the globe. The theoretical results we obtain help to understand and guide material engineering and device design. Conversely, input from experiments provides essential motivation for our theoretical work.

The unit of Theory and Modelling for Organic Electronics consists of two research groups led by Prof. Igor Zozoulenko and by Assoc. Prof. Glib Baryshnikov.

Prof. Igor Zozoulenko's group



Paolo S. Floris, Igor Zozoulenko, Riccardo Rurali (2025) Doping Efficiency of Poly(benzodifurandione) from First Principles The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 129, p. 4354-4357 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Joshua Wheeler, Igor Zozoulenko (2024) Computational Microscopy of Spatial Dopant Distribution in Conjugated Polymer Advanced Electronic Materials (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Penghui Ding, Mikhail Vagin, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Alexandar Mehandzhiyski, Viktor Gueskine, Tobias Abrahamsson, Igor Zozoulenko, Thomas Ederth, Reverant Crispin (2024) Migration-mitigated crossover of organic redox anions across a proton-exchange membrane Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, p. 4882-4892 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Najmeh Zahabi, Igor Zozoulenko (2024) Band Versus Hopping Transport in Conducting Polymers by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: Exploring the Effect of Electric Field, Trapping and Temperature Advanced Electronic Materials (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Reverant Crispin, Igor Zozoulenko (2024) Hall measurements reveal band-like transport in high-mobility solution-processed organic semiconductor films NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, Vol. 11, Article nwae266 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

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