WERA TASK FORCE Global Research in Extended Education Conference, Linköping University 2025

Water in front of a bridge and a building. Blue skies and a tree in autumn colours.
Campus Norrköping. Photographer: Jenny Widén

The international conference "WERA TASK FORCE Global Research in Extended Education: Extended Education in the Future - Opportunities and Challenges" will take place in Norrköping, Campus Norrköping, September 24-27, 2025

The theme of the conference includes opportunities and challenges in the future of extended education and can be understood from many different perspectives. Extended education gathers after-school programmes for children outside school hours. Conditions, policy documents and purposes differ between national contexts. By bringing together international researchers, knowledge about challenges and opportunities for conducting extended education activities can be spread and deepened across national borders. The ambition of the conference is to be a meeting place for new and already established collaborations and, through presentations of current research, to increase knowledge to build extended education of the future.

The conference includes different possibilities for meetings during the week:

  • 22 September: Conference for practitioners. Welcomes practitioners and policymakers in Extended Education both on site and hybrid seminars.
  • 23-24 September: Pre-conference for PhD students. Application for fundings from Erasmus+ is possible, for more information contact Myung Hwa Baldini.
  • 24 September: Site visits on different School-age educare settings.
  • 25-27 September: Main conference. Keynotes, parallel paper sessions and symposiums.

More information will be available soon.

Submissions of abstracts

Final call

Please submit your abstracts for project presentations, poster presentations and symposium. The submission closes 26 February 2025.

Keynote speaker

Joakim Caspersen, NTNU Social Research in Trondheim, Norway

Joakim Casperson.

Joakim Caspersen is a sociologist (PhD) and Research Director at NTNU Social Research in Trondheim, Norway. He also works at the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education at the University of Stavanger. In recent years, much of his research has focused on inclusion and exclusion in schools and Norwegian day care facilities for children. He has also conducted extensive research on educational organizations, discretionary decision-making in welfare professions, and the relationship between professional practice and professional competence. Caspersen is currently part of the national research coordinator team for both the 2022 and 2027 cycles of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study.

Inclusion and exclusion as consequences of disretionary desicision making in extendend education practice

Inclusion and exclusion in education outcomes of professional and organizational practices, framed within various political structures that share the educational system

Professional practices can be viewed as a continuous series of discretionary decisions, influenced by the specific characteristics of professional, the situation (including the traits of individual children and groups of children), professional knowledge, experiences, and values; the characteristics of each organization (routines, leadership, resources, etc.); external factors (collaboration with others, economic resources, and municipal resources); and laws, guidelines, and regulations.
In the daily grind and chaos, structural limitations are more explicitly reflected upon than the constraints occurring in specific situations, and how these constraints relate to norms of inclusion and exclusion, as well as fairness and equality. These norms sometimes guide practice but are also overshadowed by the everyday demands and minute-to-minute decisions that must be made.

In this talk, I will reflect on the idea of inclusion and exclusion as consequences of discretionary decision-making in extended education practice and relate this to often unarticulated norms of inclusion and exclusion. Examples will be drawn from Scandinavian, particularly Norwegian, day care facilities for children, which are universally oriented with a mandate for social inclusion and equality, but where daily practice involves handling multiple dilemmas and discretionary decisions at a rapid pace, often leading to undesired outcomes.

WERA Task Force

Logo WERA.

Global Research in Extended Education

WERA is an association of major national, regional, and specialty education research associations, mainly dedicated to developing networks.


Registration opens

The registration will open on 20 March 2025.

Registration fee participants

Early bird before 15 May 2025: 490 EURO
After 15 May 2025: 550 EURO

Registration fee PhD students

Early bird before 15 May 2025: 420 EURO
After the 15 May 2025: 450 EURO

What’s included with registration fee?

The conference fee include, lunches, snacks during coffee breaks, welcome reception and conference dinner.

For PhD students the pre- conference 23 and 24 September is free of charge if you participate in the main conference.

Programme Pre-Conference for PhD-students

Practical information

