
Helene Elvstrand

Senior Associate Professor



Monica Orwehag, Helene Elvstrand (2024) Fritidshemmets pedagogik: från då till nu
Karin Bertills, Helene Elvstrand, Lina Lago (2024) Praktiknära forskning och skolutveckling - en modell för samverkan Venue, Vol. 26 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lina Lago, Karin Bertills, Helene Elvstrand (2024) Mina tillgängliga vuxna: Gästredaktionell introduktion Venue, Vol. 27 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lena Bostrom, Helene Elvstrand (2024) Being a Principal at a School Age Educare Center in Sweden: Perspectives on Structure, Culture, and Leadership Leadership and Policy in Schools (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Helene Elvstrand, Ronny Högberg, Henrik Nordvall (2024) Analysarbete inom fältforskning Handbok i kvalitativ analys, p. 248-263 (Chapter in book)


A wooden plank with a football goal drawn on it.

Youth Clubs as an Arena to Prevent Societal Exclusion and Social Unrest

Social unrest and exclusion among young people are recognized problems. This project focuses on the youth club as a social practice and how working methods and activities can be developed to support young people's sense of belonging.

Chrildren doing high five.

Meaningful leisure in children’s middle years

Barn i mellanåldern dvs. barn mellan 10 och 12 år som inte längre är ett litet barn men inte heller tonåring. Den här studien undersöker hur barn i den här åldern har det.

Vilbergsskolans fritidshem

An Investment in Research with a Focus on School-Age Educare

Utgångspunkt för vår forskning är barn och elevers erfarenheter av olika former av utbildningsinstitutioner. Vi studerar yngre barns villkor för till exempel lärande och meningsfull fritid i barns institutionaliserade vardagsliv.

Teacher and pubil.

Special Needs Assistants' Mission in Swedish Schools

Special Needs Assistants' mission in Swedish schools: How is it going and according to whom? These are questions asked in this research project. We want to contribute knowledge about opportunities and barriers of the work of Special Needs Assistants.

A pair of twins dancing.

Working with Eurovision in school-age educare center

This project examines the role of the Mello (the Swedish competition for Eurovision) in  school-age centre, focusing on how the Mello takes place in children's everyday life and how teachers use the Mello in teaching and activities.

girls studying an insect through a magnifying glass.

Social inclusion and pupils participation - SIPP

The SIPP project focuses on social inclusion and builds on students' experiences of participation. Funded by Erasmus plus, the project brings together researchers and teachers to develop participatory practices.
