Awards and Medals

Good teachers and successful researchers are honoured in connection with the Academic Celebration.

Prizes awarded at Academic Celebrations

The Ingemar Ingemarsson Teaching Prize and the Onkel Adam Prize are two prizes that are awarded at the Linköping Universty´s Academic Celebration.

The Ingemar Ingemarsson Teaching Prize

The prize was founded by Professor Emeritus Ingemar Ingemarsson to highlight the fact that good teachers are as important to a university as good researchers. It is awarded by the Ingemar Ingemarsson Foundation for Higher Education and goes to teachers working at Linköping University. The prize is awarded every two years.

Previous winners

  • 2022 Leif Burman, master carpenter and associate professor at Malmstens Linköping University.
  • 2020 Daniel Carlsson, lecturer

The Onkel Adam Award

This prize was established in the spring of 2020 through a donation from Onkel Adam’s descendant Bengt Normann, former associate professor at LiU and an infectious disease specialist. The donation was made to the Linköping University Jubilee Foundation and the Onkel Adam Prize is to be given as a personal award each year at the Academic Ceremony to a well-established, highly respected and successful researcher with a clear association with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Linköping University.
The aim of the award is to promote medical research at LiU and to honour the memory of Onkel Adam, the pen-name of well-known 19th century author, writer and politician Carl Anton Wetterbergh, who was also a regimental doctor in Linköping from 1848 to 1874.

Previous winners

  • 2023 India Morrison, senior associate professor of cognitive neuroscience
  • 2022 Professor Anders Fridberger
  • 2022 Professor Maria Jenmalm
  • 2021 Professor Fredrik Elinder
  • 2020 Professor Håkan Olausson 

Articles on the prize winners

Man framing an illustration of a heart with his hands.

“I want to learn as much as possible about how the body works.”

Tino Ebbers receives the 2024 Onkel Adam Prize for his outstanding research at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at LiU. His research is at the intersection of medicine and technology and focuses on diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Helen Winzell.

Passionate about teaching – now she receives largest teacher award

Helen Winzell grew up in a home where both parents were teachers. To follow in their footsteps was not on her agenda – until the day she substituted for her mother. Passionate about teaching since then, she now receives Ingemars Lärarpris.

Headshot of a woman close to a window.

The award winner: “A window to the secret processes in the brain”

India Morrison, senior associate professor in cognitive neuroscience, has won the Onkel Adam Award for her outstanding research at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. One of her research areas is how touch and pain affect our behaviour.

Tre peole around a table

A teacher can choose to be committed

What makes a really good teacher? Commitment and maybe the ability to get up early in the morning. When the first two award winners of Ingemars Lärarpris get together, the discussion ranges from teachers as role models to students who learn for life.

More information about the prizes awarded

The Medal of Merit

By awarding the medal, the University shows its recognition and appreciation for particularly meritorious contributions to Linköping University. Recipients of the Medal of Merit are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

Förtjänstmedaljen vid Linköpings universitet.Förtjänstmedaljen vid Linköpings universitet. The Medal of Merit is available in one size, in gold with a blue and yellow ribbon. The front of the medal reads Linköping University and “Semper sint in flore” which is a quote from the old student song Gaudeamus igitur and can be translated as “May they always flourish”. The medal is designed by Mats Nåbo, lecturer, and manufactured by Sporrongs.

Recipients of The Medal of Merit 2023-2018

  • 2023 -
  • 2022
    Robert Forschheimer, research, teacher
    Karin Fälth-Magnusson, professor emerita
  • 2021 -
  • 2020 -
  • 2019
    Anders Berg, project manager
  • 2018
    Elisabeth Nilsson, the County Governor

Recipients of The Medal of Merit 2017-2007

  • 2017
    Margaretha Grahn, överbibliotekarie, Linköping
    Lars Stjernkvist, kommunalråd, Norrköping
  • 2016
    Mats Arwidson, tidigare biträdande universitetsdirektör
    T Karin Lohm, tidigare ceremonimästare
  • 2015
    Universitetslektor Anna-Lena Eriksson Gustavsson, universitetslektor
    Hans Lundgren, tidigare director musices
    Gun Mannervik, tidigare rektorssekreterare
  • 2013
    Lars Alm, fakultetskoordinator
    Wera Kjellberg
  • 2012
    Eva Enqvist, biträdande professor
    Jörgen Ljung, universitetslektor
    Johnny Ludvigsson, professor
  • 2011
    Jan Engqvist, enhetschef
    Anna Hesser, universitetsarkitekt
    Jan-Ove Palmberg, professor
    Inger Sandström, fakultetsråd
  • 2009
    Margareta Josefsson, konsult, Linköping
  • 2008
    Björn Bergdahl, professor, Linköping
    Britt-Marie Danestig, F.d. riksdagsledamoten, Sollentuna
  • 2007
    Björn Johansson, kommundirektör, Norrköping
    Eva Ohlsson-Leander, universitetslektor, Ljungsbro

Recipients of The Medal of Merit


  • 2006
    Christer Knuthammar, universitetsråd Linköping
    Gunnel Norrby, förvaltningsdirektör Linköping
  • 2005
    Lars Ingelstam, professor emeritus, Bromma
    Ingrid Granstam, f.d universitetslektor, Habo
  • 2004
    Björn Eriksson, landshövdning, Linköping
    Gunnar Loneaus, F.d. ambassadör, Norsholm
  • 2003
    Bo Pettersson, f.d. landstingsråd, Linköping
    Stig Hagström, professor, Palo Alto, USA
  • 2002
    Anders Fahlman, professor, Linköping
    Eve Malmquist, professor emerita, Båstad
  • 2001
    Nils-Holger Areskog, professor, Linköping
    Per-Erik Danielsson, professor, Linköping
    Göran Graninger, professor, Linköping
    Ingemar Lind, professor, Linköping
  • 2000
    Professor Sven Berg, professor, Lund
    Professor Gunnar Persson, professor, Lund
    Kjell Norberg, kommunalråd, Norrköping (postumt)
  • 1999
    Ingegerd Zetterholm-Ankarstrand, f.d. skoldirektör Linköping
    Åke Frisk, docent, Linköping
  • 1997
    Jan Karlsson, arborrare, Finspång
  • 1996
    Sven Tägil, professor, Lund
    Sven Erlander, professsor, Linköping

News about the Medal of Merit