09 November 2022

LiU has awarded University Service Medals for 2022 to Robert Forchheimer and Karin Fält-Magnusson. They will be presented during the Academic Celebration on 12 November.

Even among the professors’ gowns and honorary doctorates, the University Service Medals are a special part of the Academic Celebration. You could think of them as the Honorary Awards presented during the Oscars’ Gala as recognition of lifetime achievements and exceptional contributions to the cinema. LiU is a young university and thus the medals are often given in recognition of pioneering activities and significant contributions to enhancing LiU’s reputation.

The award-winners this year are two emeritus/emerita professors who have meant a great deal for LiU in their respective field. The citations are as follows:

Photo credit David Einar Robert Forchheimer is awarded the Linköping University Service Medal for successfully combining the roles of researcher, teacher, role model, and mentor for generations of students, and his ability to incorporate benefit to society and entrepreneurship into the scientific field of image coding. He is a pillar of society who through his international research-based companies such as Sectra and IVP has created many employment opportunities.

He has also played an important role in the collaboration between LiU and the surrounding society through, for example, Science Park Mjärdevi. Robert is an earnest knowledge-seeker driven by curiosity and a desire to never stop mastering new fields of knowledge.”

“Professor emerita Karin Fälth-Magnusson is awarded the Linköping University Service Medal for her inexhaustible commitment over several decades and in a wide variety of roles: as paediatrician, teacher and supervisor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, researcher in the field of child allergology, professor of paediatrics, director of the Child and Women's Health Centre, and as deputy vice-chancellor and acting vice-chancellor.

Karin’s wisdom and perceptive personality made her a highly appreciated leader who represented students and their need for outstanding education with integrity and power. Karin has the ability to ensure that everyone she meets feels seen and appreciated.”

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