Become an agent for change! This one-of-a-kind master’s programme makes you highly skilled in analysing how social and cultural change can be initiated or sustained by integrating a critical understanding of gender and intersectionality.

Gender Studies - Intersectionality and Change, Master´s Programme, Distance

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Open for late application
The programme focuses on intersectional gender, i.e. gender and its interplay with other social categorisations and power differentials such as sex, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, age, and (dis)ability.

If you are passionate about cutting-edge research developments in the transdisciplinary field of Gender Studies and are attracted by the idea of challenging existing norms and structures in society – this is the programme for you.  A key ambition is to build an understanding of the links between theory,  activism, professional development and career paths. Students taking the programme usually have a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, for example in cultural studies, philosophy, media and communication, sociology, pedagogy, history, literature, political science, and business administration. The programme is offered as a one‑year option, 60 credits, or a two-year option, 120 credits.

To give you the latest update on current research, we invite you to take part in seminars at the internationally renowned Unit for Gender Studies. This is one of the largest interdisciplinary research and teaching units for intersectional gender studies in the Nordic countries.

The programme combines online distance education with two mandatory on-campus gatherings per academic year. You will interact with your teachers and fellow programme members in a digital classroom. The forms of instruction, which are based primarily on the use of the internet, place greater demands on your own activity than a purely campus-based programme.

Future opportunities

You will be equipped for a career in higher education and research as well as professional work with intersectional gender in organisations, media, communication and politics. This programme is also appropriate for you who want to boost your current career through further training within gender work.

Syllabus and course details

A detailed syllabus, curriculum, and information on the courses you may take can be found in our study information database via the link below. Entry requirements and tuition information can be found by selecting the drop-down ”Admission requirements” available under the Autumn 2025 tab.


This webinar covers the programme structure, the master’s thesis, examination forms, job opportunities, related research, and what it’s like to live in Sweden.

Alumni insights

Lisette Frandsen-Albrechtsen in front of a UN logo.

Lisette Frandsen Albrechtsen, Gender Analyst at United Nations Development Programme, Jordan

The reason I chose Linköping University is because of Sweden’s track record in gender studies and being known for taking this area of study very seriously.

The studies definitely helped me perform my job as a Gender Analyst with UNDP. I gained so much knowledge during my time at LiU and I appreciated to have enriching discussions between students and professors.


Research and education of the Unit of Gender Studies put focus on meanings of gender in culture, society, economics, technology, knowledge production, and science from an interdisciplinary perspective. Gender is studied in its intersections with other social categories (ethnicity, sexuality etc.).

People in silhouette in different bright colours

Gender studies (TEMAG)

At Tema Genus, we conduct research, PhD training, undergraduate and master’s education, and social outreach, all with a foundation in interdisciplinary gender studies and often together with international collaborators.


Gender, Nature and Culture

The research area gender, nature and culture builds upon postdisciplinary bridgings of arts and sciences.

women with hoods

Postcolonial Feminisms

Postcolonial feminism critically addresses social and cultural phenomena as agents of epistemic, affective and political decolonization. It focuses on gendered aspects of migrations and diasporas, and the North-South feminist movements and debates.

Model of a womb

Bodies Hub

We are academics engaged in interdisciplinary research and teaching about bodies, identity, sex, gender and more.

Yellow lichen on a rock

The Posthumanities Hub

Bringing science to the humanities, and more-than-human humanities to the people since 2008.

The Eco- and bioart lab logo.

The Eco- and Bioart Lab

The Eco- and Bioart Lab (EBL) connects artists, artistic researchers and other practitioners, as well as doctoral students whose practice and research focus on art and the environment in their broadest understanding.

Smart City and Digital Sovereignty Research Network

The research network aims to initiate interdisciplinary collaboration to develop notions around what digital sovereignty could mean and how it could be used to ensure the digital rights for people living in smart cities.

Application & admission

Application document checklist

  1. Diploma(s) of your degree(s) from an internationally recognized university, or a Final year certificate.
  2. Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If you have had courses credited/transferred from previous studies, you must also submit official transcripts for those courses.
  3. Proof that you meet the specific entry requirements, for example relevant pages of course syllabuses (course descriptions), if the required courses/subjects are not clearly stated on your transcript.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency.
  5. A copy of your passport.

Much of what you need to submit – and how – is based on where you completed your studies. Find out how to do things right on University Admission: Country instructions!

University Admissions: Provide application documents

Letters of intent or recommendation are not required.

Related information

Distance education

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