The doctoral programme aims to give students in-depth knowledge in the didactics of technology and natural sciences and allow them to develop the knowledge and skills needed to independently carry out research in the field of the didactics of technology and/or natural sciences.

The doctoral programme in the didactics of technology and natural sciences contributes to the advancement of knowledge in each respective subject field by producing a scientific thesis.

The programme furthers the doctoral students' abilities to use their attained scientific skills and knowledge in their continued research work or other qualified professional work. The doctoral students present and disseminate their research results nationally and internationally.

The programme is four years long and ends with a degree of doctor (240 cr) and/or degree of licentite (120 cr).

The doctoral programme is organised in cooperation with the Swedish National Graduate School in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research (lic-FontD).

National Graduate School



Doctoral studies at Linköping University