
Anna Fredriksson

Deputy Head of Department, Professor

Researcher and teacher in Construction Logistics. Director of doctoral studies at ITN.

Construction logistics and production transfer – what do these areas have in common?

Anna Fredriksson is Professor at the KTS department Linköping University. She belongs to the Construction logistics group. Anna has three main research areas of interest: construction logistics, tactical planning (S&OP) and supply chain planning, and production transfer.

The construction industry is in great need of improving their logistics to increase their productivity and decrease their environmental impact and disturbances on the society in vicinity of projects. Though, researching this subject it is important to both consider the impact of construction logistics on the urban development as well as how the urban planning process creates prerequisites for efficient and effective construction logistics. Furthermore, one of the most impacting material flows within construction is earth and rock masses, where improved logistics can help to decrease emissions and improve circularity. Also the importance of data to improve construction logistics should not be forgotten as construction industry is among the least digitalized industries. Within these areas Anna has been part of and running a number of different research projects such as the Vinnova financed UDI-projects RePlan and Digiplan, the JPI-urban financed projects MIMIC and CIVIC, the Triple F financed projects Fossilfri Bygglogistik and Fossilfri Bygglogistik 2.0 and the Vinnova financed project Logistikdatalabbet, Störningsfri stad and its Formas financed continuation Störningsfri stad 2.0, the FFI financed ELECTRA and projects financed by InfraSweden 2030 and Energimyndigheten about Mass Logistics Centers.

Within the area of production transfer Anna’s research interests are knowledge transfer, start-up of production and risk management during transfer.

Anna is associate editor of Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.

Anna is also examiner of the courses TNK114 Logistics in Supply Chains and TNG042 Scientific methods within logistics.

Professional career

  • 2019 – Senior associate professor within the department of Technology and Science, Communication and Transport Systems, Construction Logistics group, Linköping University.
  • November 2017 – Associate Professor within the department of Technology and Science, Communication and Transport Systems, Construction Logistics group, Linköping University.
  • November 2014 – November 2017 Senior Lecturer within the department of Technology and Science, Communication and Transport Systems, Construction Logistics group, Linköping University.
  • March 2014 – November 2014, Research fellow within the department of Technology and Science, Communication and Transport Systems, Construction Logistics group, Linköping University.
  • July 2011 – March 2014, Post Doctorial Position within the division of Logistics and Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology.
  • Nov 2005 – June 2011, Ph.D. Student within the division of Logistics and Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology.
  • Jan 2005 – Nov 2005, Trainee at Transbulk 1904 AB, Göteborg.
  • Mar 2004 – Dec 2004, Production developer, Pentronic AB, Västervik.



Anna Fredriksson, Linea Kjellsdotter Ivert, Farah Naz (2025) Creating logistics service value in construction - a quest of coordinating modules in a loosely coupled system Construction Management and Economics (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Linnea Eriksson, Anna Fredriksson (2025) A construction transport planning gap - An institutional logic perspective Cities, Vol. 158, Article 105698 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anna Fredriksson, Ahmet Anil Sezer, Viktoria Sundquist (2024) Construction logistics status and actors' opinions - an industry wide survey in Sweden Construction Innovation, Vol. 24, p. 319-340 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Robert Klar, Anders Andersson, Anna Fredriksson, Vangelis Angelakis (2024) Container Relocation and Retrieval Tradeoffs Minimizing Schedule Deviations and Relocations IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 5, p. 360-379 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Fredriksson, Mats Janné, Antti Peltokorpi (2024) Making logistics a central core in complex construction projects: a power-dependency analysis Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 42, p. 963-976 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


