
Jakob Grubbström

Director Musices

Responsible for Musicum and has overall responsibility for the university's music activities Music at LiU.


I am employed as Director Musices and is responsible for Musicum and holds the overall responsibility over the music at academic celebration and ceremonies and the ensembles under Musik vid LiU. I am the conductor and artistic leader of Linköpings studentsångare and Östgöta kammarkör.

I hold an MMus in choral conducting from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and on top of that also an MA from Royal College of Music in Stockholm and an MEd from The School of Music in Piteå. Previously I have been a freelance conductor and collaborated with choirs such as Stockholm Chamber Choir, Stockholm University’s Choir and the Vocal ensemble Cantores Amicitiae. Between the year 2019 and 2021 I was employed as a teacher in choral singing at Adolf Fredriks Musikklasser. In 2019 I founded the choral department at Framnäs folkhögskola, Piteå.

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