
Johan Kihlberg

My research is about improving MRI examinations of the heart and liver in particular. I am also trying to improve the safety of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. A third area of research is to develop the role of the radiographer.

Optimization of magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging are used for all organs of the body, but my research mainly focuses on optimizing and developing new methods for examinations of the heart and liver. In addition to imaging the organs morphologically, functions and tissue characteristics can be produced, such as strain, blood flows, perfusion, fat deposition and elasticity. By developing these methods, patients can receive faster and safer diagnostics. Radiological examinations are usually carried out by radiographers. By developing the role of radiographer, a better logistics for radiological examinations can be introduced, where the right competence is always available for each examination.

Short texts


  • 1996 Registered nurse, Uppsala University
  • 1999 Radiographer, Linköping University
  • 2017 PhD in radiology, Linköpings University
  • 2022 Associate professor (Docent) in radiography, Linköping University


  • 2017- Various regular and irregular lectures at undergraduate and graduate level, Linköping University, Örebro University, Jönköping University, Karolinska Institutet
  • 2023- Course responsible and examiner, “Abdominal MRI for radiographers”, Linköping University

Commissions of trust



Love Engstrom Nordin, Karin Aberg, Johan Kihlberg, Titti Owman, Boel Hansson, Isabella M. Bjorkman-Burtscher, Cecilia Petersen, Peter Lundberg (2024) ESR Essentials: basic physics of MR safety-practice recommendations by the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology European Radiology (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Marie Byenfeldt, Johan Kihlberg, Patrik Nasr, Christer Groenlund, Anna Lindam, Wolf Bartholomä, Peter Lundberg, Mattias Ekstedt (2024) Altered probe pressure and body position increase diagnostic accuracy for men and women in detecting hepatic steatosis using quantitative ultrasound European Radiology, Vol. 34, p. 5989-5999 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peter Lundberg, Annelie Abrahamsson, Johan Kihlberg, Jens Tellman, Ieva Tomkeviciene, Anette Karlsson, Maria Kristoffersen Wiberg, Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes, Charlotta Dabrosin (2024) Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid reduces local inflammation and tissue perfusion in dense breast tissue in postmenopausal women Breast Cancer Research, Vol. 26, Article 22 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
I. Hakansson, B. -M. Ahlander, A. Hook, Johan Kihlberg (2024) Retrospective comparison between MRI examinations during radiographer-administered intranasal sedation or general anesthesia Radiography, Vol. 30, p. 296-300 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Emily Trygg, A. Bjallmark, B. -M. Ahlander, Johan Kihlberg (2024) Radiographers' confidence in handling iodine based contrast media hypersensitivity reactions Radiography, Vol. 30, p. 21-27 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Co-workers at Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Group
