
Maria Ewerlöf

Senior Research Coordinator

Finding solutions that develop and improve processes, communication and collaboration between people and research areas is my driving force. This is something I often get to exercise in my role as Senior Research Coordinator.

The assignment as Senior Research Coordinator includes a variety of tasks that in various ways support researchers in their work and thereby create good conditions for research activities. I am research coordinator at the Division of Diagnostics and Specialist Medicine (DISP) at the Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV) and for the LiU Strategic Research Area of Circulation and Metabolism (CircM).  

Research coordinator DISP

As research coordinator at the division DISP, I support researchers in many different areas. This may involve, for example, gathering and disseminating relevant information, pursuing strategic issues and assisting individual research projects. Another task is to identify and develop opportunities for collaboration at division level and within LiU, but also with other actors in society.

Research coordinator CircM

As research coordinator for LiU strategic research area CircM, I organize an annual retreat, the seminar series Vetenskapligt forum (Scientific Forum) and other recurring events. I am also responsible for disseminating current information from CircM through newsletters, the website and social media.

About me


I have developed a method where white visible light is used to measure skin tissue oxygen saturation used for evaluation of wounds and other conditions related to skin microcirculation. I defended my thesis in 2022 at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. 

Other commissions

  • Representative at the local Saco-S board
  • Representative at the local board of Sveriges ingenjörer
  • Convenor of the Saco-S workgroup for PhD student related issues
  • Union representative at the local collaboration group (LSG) at BKV



Marcus Larsson, Maria Ewerlöf, Göran Salerud, Tomas Strömberg, Ingemar Fredriksson (2024) Artificial neural networks trained on simulated multispectral data for real-time imaging of skin microcirculatory blood oxygen saturation Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 29, Article S33304 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Maria Ewerlöf (2022) Multispectral imaging of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in skin microcirculation
Maria Ewerlöf, Tomas Strömberg, Marcus Larsson, E. Göran Salerud (2022) Multispectral snapshot imaging of skin microcirculatory hemoglobin oxygen saturation using artificial neural networks trained on in vivo data Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 27, Article 036004 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Maria Ewerlöf, Göran Salerud, Tomas Strömberg, Marcus Larsson (2021) Estimation of skin microcirculatory hemoglobinoxygen saturation and red blood cell tissue fractionusing a multispectral snapshot imaging system: a validation study Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 26, Article 200291RR (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Maria Ewerlöf, Marcus Larsson, Göran Salerud (2017) Spatial and temporal skin blood volume and saturation estimation using a multispectral snapshot imaging camera IMAGING, MANIPULATION, AND ANALYSIS OF BIOMOLECULES, CELLS, AND TISSUES XV, Article UNSP 1006814 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


