Translation of "Lånevillkor, ordningsregler samt regler för datoranvändning vid Linköpings universitetsbibliotek."

The University  Library is the most important common information resource centre at Linköping University, and is primarily intended for use in academic research and university studies.

The library is open to the general public. It is governed by the Board of the Library, which determines the rules and regulations. The rules and regulations of the library apply to the library visitor/user according to his/her status as an employee or student at the University, or as a member of the general public.

Any person who registers as a borrower at Linköping University Library enters into a contract with the University Library, and agrees to abide by the rules of the library. Special rules apply to students and employees of the university who have a LiU-card.

The Library Card

The LiU-card is used as a library card for all LiU students and staff. The Linköping University rules for the LiU-card are applicable.

Other library users may obtain a library card after completing the online application form which can be found on the university’s website. The minimum age to be a library card holder is 15 and the holder must register his/her Swedish address. The card may be collected at the issue desk. A valid photo ID is required.

The library card is a valuable document. Borrowers are responsible for all loans made with their library card until they are returned. The loss of your library card must be reported immediately to the University Library, and the card will then be blocked. Any change of address or e-mail must be reported in person to the University Library.


All borrowers at the University Library are protected by law as stated in Chapter 40, paragraph 3 of Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen/the Law on Confidentiality (SFS  2009:400). ”Confidentiality within libraries is in force pertaining to registered information about an individual’s loans, reservations or other form of request, if it is not otherwise stipulated that the information may be revealed without this causing harm or impairment to the person involved or any intimate of that person.”


Borrowers must treat the library’s property with care and protect it from damage. It is strictly forbidden to make marks in or deface books, or in any other way damage the borrowed  item. Marks made in pencil are also classed as damage. If you discover any damage to any item you have borrowed you must report this without delay to library staff. Repairs are not to be carried out by the borrower.

Borrowers are at all times responsible for returning any borrowed and recalled item(s) promptly, even if the borrower is away from campus. Items for borrowing may be collected on behalf of a second person only if proof of permission can be established and only on production of the borrower’s library card. The library reserves the right to limit the maximum number of simultaneous loans. The number is dependent upon the borrower’s status as an employee or student at LiU, or as a holder of a library card for the public.

Loan Period

  • The loan period for library items is generally 21 days.
  • The loan period for items that have been reserved by another borrower is 7 days.
  • A textbook reference copy (marked “REFKURS”) must be returned the same day you borrow it.
  • The loan period for an interlibrary loan item is determined by the lending library.

Knowing when library items are due, and returning or renewing the loans on time, is the borrower’s responsibility.

Renewal of loans

Library loans are renewed automatically. A library loan may be renewed for a maximum of 10 times, provided that the item has not been reserved for another borrower. For LiU staff, a loan may be renewed up to 20 times. Interlibrary loan items can only be renewed by library staff. 

Items for in-library use only

Items which may not be taken out of the library are: reference literature, journals, daily newspapers, publications of the Swedish Parliament (riksdagstryck), the Swedish Statute book (Svensk författningssamling), official statistics, old or fragile items and literature which is needed for research and study in the library.


Any borrower who does not return his/her loan on time will be barred from further borrowing. If the item/s is/are not returned, a charge of SEK 200 will be made for each item and the borrower is barred from renewing his/her loans. 

Suspension ceases when the item/s has/have been returned and/or all debts to the library have been settled. If the borrower is unable to return his/her loan, a replacement copy should be delivered to the library and the SEK 200 overdue fine paid. If the item is unavailable for purchase, the borrower should contact the library to get an invoice for the cost of replacement plus a processing fee of SEK 200 per item. 

The same rules for replacement fees apply for any lost or damaged item belonging to the library. The borrower agrees to the library’s assessment of liability for any damage. All damaged or lost items for which the borrower has paid compensation remain the property of the library.

Interlibrary loans

Students and staff at Linköping University have the right to place orders for interlibrary loans in the course of their work. The library arranges the loan of items from other libraries.

General rules for interlibrary loans

  • Anyone placing an order for an interlibrary loan must have a current library card/LiU-card valid at the University Library.
  • The rules for borrowing and compensation of the issuing library are applicable.
  • The borrower is under obligation to have any such item available for immediate restitution on demand.
  • Interlibrary loan items can only be renewed by library staff.
  • If an interlibrary loan is lost or damaged, the borrower is liable to pay compensation and will be suspended from both local and interlibrary loans until the debt is settled.
  • Lost or damaged interlibrary loans, for which the borrower has paid compensation, remain the property of the issuing library.
  • Any borrower who does not follow Linköping University Library rules for interlibrary loans may be suspended from both local and interlibrary loans.


In order that the library’s primary function as a place of work for students, teachers and researchers be maintained, all visitors must respect the following rules:

  • Visitors must behave in such a way as not to disturb or hinder the operation of the library.
  • Silence is to be observed in the reading rooms. In other parts of the library visitors are expected to speak in a quiet and unobtrusive manner.
  • The University Library hazero tolerance for discrimination based on race, gender, age etc. Library premises, computers and networks may not be used in ways that can be perceived as offensive.

Rules for the use of computers

The computers in Linköping University Library are primarily intended for study and research purposes at Linköping University (LiU). Use of computers at Linköping University Library requires a personal login. When using the computers, you are obligated to follow Linköping University’s IT rules. In order to safeguard operational reliability and investigate IT-related incidents or suspected crimes against LiU’s computer networks, LiU’s systems administrators can monitor systems and computer networks, including accessing network traffic and stored data. Infringement or attempted infringement in the library’s systems or other computer systems will be regarded as sabotage and be reported to the police.


Library users are obliged to follow library rules. The University Library has the right to suspend anyone who does not follow library rules and/or has an outstanding debt to the library. Such decisions are made by the Library director. Suspension may apply to both borrowing and visiting rights. In serious cases, the library has the right to recall all loans with immediate effect. Serious or repeated breaches of these regulations by LiU staff may lead to legal measures being taken. For students, disciplinary measures may be taken, as stipulated in the University Ordinances Chapter 10 “Disciplinary measures. General provisions.” In all serious cases, a complaint to the police will be lodged.

Review of decisions

Anyone dissatisfied with decisions made in accordance with these rules by University Library employees has the right to have these reviewed by the Library director, who may refer any review to the Library Board. For further review, the reader is referred to the University Ordinances.

Personal data processing

Linköping University (202100-3096) is responsible for personal data processed as part of Linköping University operations. This also applies to Linköping University Library. How we handle personal data is explained below. More information about how Linköping University handles personal data is available at

Why do we process personal data?

Handling personal data occurs as part of standard library routines. All such data is processed according to General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).

Handling personal data is a necessary part of the library’s loan services. We only process personal data to the extent that allows us to issue loans and provide access to licensed electronic resources.

When agreeing to the terms of the library’s loan agreement, you consent to your personal data being processed in a way that is necessary for services provided to you by Linköping University Library.

Which personal data is needed?

As a registered patron of Linköping University Library, your name, address, personal identity number, email address and LiU-ID will be stored digitally in the library’s records of users on university servers. Data is stored only for as long as it is relevant to the loan agreement and is subsequently deleted. Only authorized personnel have access to the records. The duration of the loan agreement is determined by the library card’s period of validity and can be terminated as soon as the terms of the agreement has been fulfilled and borrowed items has been returned in the library’s system. As a student or employee at Linköping University, your LiU-card agreement also covers a loan agreement with Linköping University Library, meaning that the library is permitted to handle your personal data.

By submitting a written application to the registrar at Linköping University (581  83 LINKÖPING, phone: 013-28 10 00,, 202100-3096), you are entitled to information about stored personal data about you and how we handle the data. You are also entitled to correction of your personal data in case of error.

You can also request that your personal data be deleted from our records when the terms of the loan agreement have been fulfilled. The easiest way to do this is by emailing us at

If you have complaints regarding this, you can turn to Linköping University’s Data protection officer. You can also consult the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

Contacts: or

Change of rules

Conditions for borrowing, regulations and rules for the use of computers may be changed. The University Library will post all such changes on the library notice boards. They will also be available via the university website. It is the duty of borrowers/library users to keep themselves informed of any such changes and to follow those rules which are added after the issue of their library card.

Library director

February 2023