03 July 2023

Linköping University is still the highest ranked Swedish university in the Times Higher Education ranking of young universities. In 39th place, LiU retains roughly the same position as last year.

A sign made of letters spelling
Thor Balkhed
Linköping University recently made a big leap to 268th place in QS World University Rankings, its best position ever. In the current Times Higher Education (THE) rankings of universities and university colleges younger than 50, LiU is in 39th place, only one place down from last year’s record ranking.
This puts LiU at the top of Swedish “young” universities and colleges, with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in 71st place. Örebro University is in the 101 - 150 band, Jönköping University in the 201 - 250 band and Karlstad University in the 301 - 350 band.

This year’s ranking includes 605 universities, an increase from 539 in 2022. Nanyang Technological University in Singapore tops the list, followed by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and in third place Paris Sciences et Lettres - PSL Research University Paris.
Three Hong Kong universities are among the top ten on the list. Humanitas University in Italy is the highest ranking newcomer, in 29th place. With 47 institutions on the list, Turkey is the most represented nation, closely followed by India, with 45 institutions.

The ranking is based on both research and education-related data, using the same data that underpins the THE World University Rankings, which looks at all higher education institutions regardless of age, but the weightings have been adjusted to give less weight to reputation.

In 2025, Linköping University will turn 50 and will no longer be included in the ranking of the world’s young universities.

More information about the THE Young University Rankings

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