15 January 2024

Studenthälsa.se is now being launched – a web portal that will help all students in Sweden to improve their well-being. Linköping University is managing the coordination of the content of the site, which has been developed with Stockholm University (SU) and the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR).

Two persons in av conversation.
Better student health is the main goal for studenthälsa.se. Photographer: Anna Nilsen

The initiative for studenthälsa.se, which is a government commission, came after both the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) found that students feel significantly worse than working people of the same age. The commission to build the site went to LiU along with SU and the UHR.
The goal of the national digital portal, which will be launched on 15 January 2024, is to gather all aspects of student health in one place – a kind of 1177 helpline for students. A person smiling. Andreas Engmark. Photo credit Magnus Johansson

“Working preventively and removing the threshold for seeking care is very important and I think this portal will help with that. We know that it’s easier to take in preventive information from a web portal than by booking an appointment with the student health service. At the same time, this will be a complement and relief for the staff at the country’s student health services,”” says Andreas Engmark at LiU, who has been project leader during the construction process and is now to be team leader of the management organisation of studenthälsa.se.

Two different areas

The site has two areas. There is an open area where students can find activities, facts, exercises and interviews. This may concern preventive information about everything from stress and anxiety to how to manage everyday life and finances. There is also a logged-in area for everyone who works with student health at the country’s higher education institutions, where they can share good examples, course offerings and events.

“There will also be a discussion forum, and I think that will be the most important feature. This will be a place to discuss, get tips and advice and provide an opportunity for sharing experiences and skills development.”

Important to get buy-in

Throughout the work on studenthälsa.se, buy-in has been a key word. The web portal has been developed together with students and student health co-workers from all over the country. And it shows in the end result, says Andreas Engmark.

“It’s a great product. The choices were made together with students on the open area and with co-workers on the logged-in area.”

There are many advantages to a single national portal. Andreas Engmark is convinced that the site will complement the local offerings of the country’s universities and colleges – not least among the smaller higher education institutes. A person studying. Photo credit Anna Nilsen

“I met two co-workers from a smaller higher education institute at a conference. Today, they have no opportunity to do anything preventive, but can only manage conversations with students. For them and their students, this is fantastic! They will now be able to offer a lot of courses, lectures and workshops available at other higher education institutes.”

LiU to manage content

LiU will be responsible for the national coordination of studenthälsa.se, which will have a management organisation including content editors from LiU and Stockholm University. UHR will be responsible for and manage the operation of the site.

Read more: Visit studenhälsa.se

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