18 June 2024

The hosting agreement between the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputers in Sweden (NAISS) at Linköping University and EuroHPC JU has been signed. This means that LiU is now officially hosting the European supercomputer Arrhenius, which will become one of the world’s fastest computers.

Green lights on the backside of a supercomputer.

Arrhenius will be part of EuroHPC JU's fleet of supercomputers and will be accessible to researchers in academia and industry across Europe. The initial computational capacity is approximately 40 petaflops, which would currently place it among the world’s top 20 fastest supercomputers and within the top five in Europe.

Portrait (Björn Alling)
Björn Alling, acting director at NAISS and researcher at Linköping University.Charlotte Perhammar

“With expanded computational capacity, European researchers can undertake challenges ranging from materials science and medicine to logistics and AI. Sweden, NAISS, and LiU have a great opportunity to play a central role in future computation-intensive research,” says Björn Alling, acting director at NAISS and researcher at Linköping University.

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, EuroHPC JU, granted NAISS and LiU’s application for the new supercomputer following a call for proposals in 2022. The funding comes from EuroHPC JU (35%) and the Swedish Research Council via NAISS (65%).

The signed agreement defines roles, rights, and obligations for all parties. The procurement process will be managed by NAISS in collaboration with EuroHPC JU and will begin in the near future.

The new supercomputer is named after the Swedish geologist and chemist Carl Axel Arrhenius, who discovered the mineral gadolinite.

Read more about the agreement: eurohpc-ju.europa.eu


National infrastructure

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