25 March 2024

Rural northern municipalities suffer from a major shortage of qualified teachers. But from autumn semester 2024, Linköping University will be offering single-subject courses remotely at local learning centres. They are aimed at people who are thinking about a teaching career and teachers who want to strengthen or broaden their skills. This is being carried out in collaboration with Akademi Norr and Lapland’s learning centres.

Hannah Grankvist.
Studying together at a learning centre has a very good impact on whether the students can manage their studies,” says Hannah Grankvist. Photographer: Charlotte Perhammar

“Linköping University is doing what probably many municipalities are asking for. It’s about the whole of Sweden thriving,” says Martin Bergvall, who is the head of Akademi Norr.

Martin Bergvall
Martin BergvallPhoto credit: Patrick Degerman
In total, the field of Educational Sciences at Linköping University is offering about thirty single-subject courses related to the teaching profession, for example in Swedish, mathematics, and pedagogy. The initiative is aimed at active teachers who want to strengthen or expand their skills, but also at those who are curious about the teaching profession.

Anyone who decides to continue studying to become a teacher will be credited with the completed courses.

Decentralised education

The courses will be conducted remotely at learning centres in 16 locations from autumn 2024: Arjeplog, Arvidsjaur, Dorotea, Kramfors, Lycksele, Norsjö, Sollefteå, Sorsele, Storuman, Strömsund, Vilhelmina, Åsele, Gällivare, Jokkmokk, Kiruna and Pajala.

Many of these sparsely populated municipalities have low unemployment, but all are also characterised by low levels of education and a major shortage of educated teachers and preschool teachers. The problem is that it is often a long way to the nearest university. Many inhabitants who would like to study are unable or unwilling to move.

Håkan Löfgren.
Håkan Löfgren.Photo credit: Charlotte Perhammar

Decentralised education represents an opportunity for these people. The fact that it is connected to the municipal learning centres is an advantage since the students can meet there and support each other during their studies.

“From experience, we know that studying together at a learning centre or local campus has a very good impact on whether the students can manage their studies and get their credits,” says Hannah Grankvist, programme director at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Linköping University.

A way to find new students

Akademi Norr, Lapland’s learning centres and their member municipalities are responsible for providing information to potential students. Applications are made via antagning.se and Linköping University informs the local learning centres of who has been admitted.

For Linköping University, there are a couple of reasons to engage in the collaboration.

“We have a broad educational mission to get more teachers in Sweden. We also get great help with recruiting new students,” says Håkan Löfgren, dean at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Linköping University.

Translation: Simon Phillips


LiU:s collaborators

Akademi Norr is a collaboration for higher education in twelve municipalities: Arjeplog, Arvidsjaur, Dorotea, Kramfors, Lycksele, Norsjö, Sollefteå, Sorsele, Storuman, Strömsund, Vilhelmina and Åsele

Lapland’s learning centres offer education at different levels in Gällivare, Jokkmokk, Kiruna and Pajala.



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