27 September 2018

We have received many questions from students and co-workers after the threat against Linköping University on Wednesday. The answers to some of these are given below.

Question: How can students who have chosen to remain at home on Thursday catch up on the teaching they miss?
Answer: Students must discuss questions of this type with the programme coordinator or course coordinator to find a solution.

Question: Where are the university’s security personnel and the police?
Answer: The security personnel and/or the police are present on Campus Valla, Campus Norrköping and the University Hospital Campus during Thursday.

Question: Is there anything to fear?
Answer: No, there is no need to feel frightened. The police have concluded that there is no need to close the university. As a university, however, we respect that anxiety may be aroused by this type of situation and we have therefore chosen to have security personnel and police on our campuses.

Question: Should co-workers who decide to remain at home on Thursday take this as a day of holiday? What are the rules about this?
Answer: We have made the decision to maintain university operations as usual. If there are individual reasons to remain at home on Thursday, the co-worker is to discuss with his or her immediate superior about how to treat the situation.

Question: Should teachers lock the door when lecturing?
Answer: Operations are to continue as usual, and the police have concluded that there is no reason to close the university. It is, then, a matter for each individual teacher to decide whether such an action would reduce any anxiety that students are experiencing.

Question: Why has the university stated that it is open as usual when some divisions are completely closed?
Answer: Certain operational units may have chosen to remain closed for various reasons. We emphasise once again, however, that the overall assessment is that all operations can continue as usual.

Question: How often is this type of threat made against Linköping University?
Answer: It happens, but it’s not very common. We experienced a similar threat a few years ago, and decided also on that occasion to continue operation as usual.

Question: Does the university have a crisis management plan?
Answer: The university has a central crisis management group that is activated to manage events that affect the complete university. Each operational unit also has a local crisis management plan.

Translation: George Farrants

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