Chemical Sensor Systems (CHESS)

illustration av kemiska sensorsystems tillämpningar
Middle image reprinted with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (8), pp 2504–2507. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society

In the research group for Chemical sensor systems (CHESS), we do research on chemical sensors and electrochemistry. We apply our research to use in sensor systems, typically in research collaborations with companies or other societal actors.

Sensors for water quality monitoring

Recently, our group has been active in several projects where chemical sensors are used to monitor water quality. One type of sensor, popularly known as an electronic tongue has proven to be very suitable to give early warning of chemical anomalies in drinking water. Right now, the potential to build a sensor network that monitors the entire distribution network for drinking water in a larger city is investigated. The hope is to help drinking water distributors with early warning detection, to locate and fix the errors and to ensure that the citizens can avoid being afflicted by stomach illness. Together with a number of water utilities we also investigate an electronic nose to alarm at elevated petroleum levels in the raw water that the waterworks use to produce drinking water. Elevated levels can cause major problems in the water plant and in the distribution network.

Other sensor system projects

Prof. Fredrik Winquist has previously conducted several projects where sensors and sensor systems have been applied, such as:

  • BugIT – Sensor system for monitoring and identification of insect pests in agricultural fields. Financed by the Swedish Farmers Foundation for Agricultural Research.
  • The electronic nose as a diagnostic tool for KOL and heart diseases, collaboration with the Health University at LiU. Financed by FOSS.
  • Fast method for determination of cadmium in cereal products based on the electronic tongue. Financed by SLF.

Electrochemistry and biosensors

On a more basic level, the group also has studied how individual enzyme molecules interact with a gold surface, properties of various types of microelectrodes and the electron transport in bioelectrocatalytic systems and how these can be used for new types of biosensors. Much of this work has been carried out in collaboration with Prof. Anthony Turner.

Chemical Sensor Systems is a unit within the division of Sensors and Actuator Systems


Recent publications


German Comina, Anke Suska, Daniel Filippini (2017) 3D printed disposable optics and lab-on-a-chip devices for chemical sensing with cell phones MICROFLUIDICS, BIOMEMS, AND MEDICAL MICROSYSTEMS XV, Article UNSP 100610E Continue to DOI
Mikhail Vagin, Alina Sekretareva, Ivan Gueorguiev Ivanov, Anna Håkansson, Tihomir Iakimov, Mikael Syväjärvi, Rositsa Yakimova, Ingemar Lundström, Mats Eriksson (2017) Monitoring of epitaxial graphene anodization Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 238, p. 91-98 Continue to DOI
Alina Sekretareva, Mikhail Vagin, Anthony Turner, Mats Eriksson (2017) Correspondence on "Can Nanoimpacts Detect Single-Enzyme Activity? Theoretical Considerations and an Experimental Study of Catalase Impacts" ACS Catalysis, Vol. 7, p. 3591-3593 Continue to DOI
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