Animal behaviour, personality and cognition - Lovlie Group

photos of roosters and chicks

Welcome to the Løvlie group!

We are interested in understanding variation in behaviour, and most of our research focuses on causes and consequences of animal personality. This includes links to sexual selection, parasite infection and animal cognition. We mainly (but not only) use the red junglefowl as our model species.



Kristoffer Lundgren, Hanne Lovlie (2023) Increased dietary 5-hydroxytryptophan reduces fearfulness in red junglefowl hens (Gallus gallus) Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 14, Article 1213986 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Laura Garnham, Charlie Clarke, Hanne Lovlie (2022) How Inhibitory Control Relates to Positive and Negative Affective States in Red Junglefowl Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 9, Article 872487 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vitor Hugo Bessa Ferreira, Arthur Simoni, Karine Germain, Christine Leterrier, Lea Lansade, Anne Collin, Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau, Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval, Elodie Guettier, Helene Leruste, Hanne Lovlie, Ludovic Calandreau, Vanessa Guesdon (2022) Foraging Behavior Shows Individual-Consistency Over Time, and Predicts Range Use in Slow-Growing Free-Range Male Broiler Chickens Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 9, Article 814054 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Red Junglefowl

How might impulsivity affect a Junglefowl’s mood

At LiUs Biology division researchers are constantly trying to understand more about animal behavior. One researcher is Laura Garnham, who´s doctoral thesis focuses on the emotions and behavior of the red jungelfowl.

red junglefowl chick looking at mealworm through transparent plastic tube.

Impulsivity is influenced by early experiences and gene expression

Differences in impulsivity between individuals are linked to both experience and gene expression, according to a study on the ancestor of domestic chickens, the red junglefowl.

Red junglefowl (G. gallus) chicks from the study population at Linköping University.

Ancestral species of domesticated chickens seeks human contact

Species that are not domesticated can develop a social interaction with humans. Researchers noticed this when conducting a study on junglefowl. They hope that the findings will stimulate further studies into how contact with humans arises.

Reports from activities

Sara Ryding presenting her student work
Sara Ryding was awarded "Best student presentation"

Congratulations to Sara Ryding who won best student presentation at the Animal Welfare Symposium in Uppsala 2018!

Josefina Zidar successfully defended her PhD, September 2017.

June 2017, at Anna Favati’s successful PhD defence.



Good growing environment gives happier hens despite stress

Chickens that grow up in a varied and controllable environment maintain their optimistic view of life and handle stress better than individuals growing up in a harsh environment, according to research led by Hanne Løvlie at Linköping University.


Junglefowl's personality

Hanne Løvlie talks about jungelfowl, their personality and if the glas is half full or half empty. Video filmed by Vetenskapsfestivalen.


Roosters are kinder to relatives

Research shows that roosters are less aggressive towards roosters with others, Stockholm University. Still footage courtesy of Hanna Løvlie.

Previous members

Diana Rubene, Postdoc (2019)

Robin Abbey-Lee, Postdoc (2016-2018)

Enrico Sorato, Postdoc (2015-2018)

Emily Uhrig, Postdoc (2016-2017)

Alexandra Balogh, Postdoc (2012-2013)

Anna Favati, PhD-student (2009-2017)

Josefina Zidar, PhD-student (2012-2017)

Anu Halonen, MSc-student (2019-2020)

Susana Garcia Dominguez, MSc-student (2019-2020)

Xavier Fernández Sala, MSc-student (2017-2018)

Sabina Ahlgren Porthén, MSc-student (2016-2017)

Sara Forslind, MSc-student SU (2016-2017)

Ann-Marie Malmkvist, MSc-student (2015-2016)

Marton Kuti, MSc-student (2015-2016)

Emilie Jansson, MSc-student (2014-2015)

Caroline Sollevi, MSc-student SU (2015)

Eva Udén, MSc-student (2014)

Hanne Thorpe, MSc-student (2012-2013)

Louise Hedlund, MSc-student (2012-2013)

Robert Boddington, Placement student (2019-2020)

Clara Gomez Dunlop, Placement student (2019-2020)

Anastacia Kreshchenko, Placement student (2017-2018)

Sara Ryding, Placement student (2017-2018)

Sarah Child, Placement student (2016-2017)

Charlotte Rosher, Placement student (2014-2015)

And numerous undergraduate students that have done projects or internship with us

