Lab Feed and News

PaLaCE Lab Feed


February 2025

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: We went to the Biophysical Society meeting, in Los Angeles, CA! Serena and Süheda presented posters, and Süheda also gave a talk. Amaya presented a poster on her work at the Elinder group. Congratulations to Serena for receiving a travel award!

πŸ“° Pre-print: Nappi M, Frampton DJA, Kusay AS, Wang K, Miceli F, Liin SI, Taglialatela M, Pantazis A: Two-step voltage-sensor activation of the human KV7.4 channel and effect of a deafness-associated mutation. bioRxiv [Preprint] 2025. doi:

January 2025

πŸ“£News: Antonios was interviewed by the Östgöta taltidning audio newspaper about our latest research on CaV2.2 inhibition, its exploitation by opioid drugs, and its promise for the development of novel analgesics! Link to audio article (in English & Swedish).

Previous years


December 2024

🌎 Conference: We all attended the 2024 WCMM retreat at Sandvik Gård.

November 2024

πŸ™‚ People: S. Süheda Yaşarbaş is now formally a PhD student! Wishing her every success!

🌎 Conference: We all attended the 2024 WCMM symposium at LiU. Amaya, Pei Xin, Serena and Süheda presented posters.

October 2024

πŸ’° Funding: The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) funded our application FO2024-0299!

πŸ™‚ People: Pei Xin Boon donned a university gown for her official PhD graduation ceremony at Dundalk Institute of Technology. Congratulations!

🌎Conference: Serena & Antonios attended the LiU Circulation and Metabolism (CircM) retreat in Söderköping! Serena gave an “elevator pitch” presentation of her project on arrhythmias.

πŸ“° Publication: Pantazis A & Brackenbury WJ. Worldwide Sodium Channel Conference, January 31st–February 2nd, 2024, Grindelwald, Switzerland. Bioelectricity. DOI: 10.1089/bioe.2024.0025

September 2024

πŸ“° Pre-print: Wang K, Nilsson M, Angelini M, Olcese R, Elinder F, Pantazis A: A rich conformational palette underlies human CaV2.1-channel availability. bioRxiv [Preprint] 2024. doi:

πŸ™‚ People: Michelle Nilsson and Catherine Wang are leaving the lab. Michelle is joining the Pless lab in the University of Copenhagen as postdoctoral fellow. Catherine joined AbCellera as Research Scientist. Thank you for the many years of wonderful collaboration. We will miss you dearly, and wish you all the best!

πŸ“° Publication: Nilsson M, Wang K, Mínguez-Viñas T, Angelini M, Berglund S, Olcese R, Pantazis A. Voltage-dependent G-protein regulation of CaV2.2 (N-type) channels.Sci Adv.2024 Sep 11. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adp6665.

🌎Conference:We attended the first ever Linköping Ion Channel Meeting!! We enjoyed 1,5 intense days about our favorite class of proteins! Antonios helped organize it and gave a talk. Catherine, Michelle, Serena and Suheda presented posters.

August 2024

πŸ”¬ Workshop: Serena Pozzi attended the Cell Physiology Workshop in Liverpool, UK: the successor of the legendary Plymouth Microelectrode Techniques workshop! We’re grateful to the LiU Board of PhD studies for the financial support.

July 2024

πŸ† Award: Alumna Dr. Teresa Mínguez-Viñas was awarded the Early Investigator Prize 2023 (Neuroscience category) by the Physiological Society, for her “outstanding research paper” on KCNA2 epilepsy-associated variants!

June 2024

πŸ™‚ People: Charmaine Ko is joining us as summer student! Supported by a Från Student Till Docent studentship, she will study epilepsy-associated variants of KCNA2.

πŸ“° Pre-print: Nilsson M, Wang K, Mínguez-Viñas T, Angelini M, Berglund S, Olcese R, Pantazis A: Electrical and G-protein Regulation of CaV2.2 (N-type) Channels. bioRxiv [Preprint] 2024. doi:

April 2024

πŸŒŽπŸ† Conference & Award: Everyone (minus Antonios, who just started his parental leave) attended the annual Neuroretreat in beautiful Vadstena. Congratulations to Serena for winning best poster prize!

March 2024

πŸ™‚ People: Dr. Peixin Boon is joining us as postdoc. She graduated from the Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland.

πŸ™‚ People: Sümeyye Süheda Yaşarbaş (Δ°zmir Institute of Technology, Türkiye) is joining us as research assistant

πŸŽ“ Graduation: Michelle Nilsson defended her thesis and is now a PhD! Henry Colecraft (Columbia University) served as opponent. Mia Lindskog (Uppsala Univ.), H. Peter Larsson (LiU) and Martin Hallbeck (LiU) were in the thesis committee.

February 2024

πŸ™‚ People: Orgena Dano is joining us for her MSc project

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: We all went to the Biophysical Society meeting, in Philadelphia, PA! Catherine and Serena gave talks. Michelle, Amaya and Serena presented posters. Antonios presented a poster from our collaboration with the Taglialatela group, and there was also work from our collaboration with the Olcese group. Michelle and Amaya received travel awards!

January 2024

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Serena and Antonios went to the Worldwide Sodium Channel Conference, in Grindelwald, Switzerland! Serena gave a talk, presented a poster, and received a travel award!

πŸ’° Funding: Antonios is co-applicant in a grant by Erik Smedler (Univ. of Gothenburg) by the Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS).


November 2023

πŸ† Award: Antonios received the Swedish FernstrΓΆm Prize!

October 2023

πŸ™‚ People: Ferenc TΓΆrΓΆk (Striessnig group, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria) is joining us as a visiting PhD student.

πŸ“° Publication: MΓ­nguez-ViΓ±as T, Prakash V, Wang K, LindstrΓΆm SH, Pozzi S, Scott SA, Spiteri E, Stevenson DA, Ashley EA, Gunnarsson C, Pantazis A. Two epilepsy-associated variants in KCNA2 (KV1.2) at position H310 oppositely affect channel functional expression. J Physiol. 2023 Oct 26. doi: 10.1113/JP285052. PMID: 37883018.

June 2023

πŸ’° Funding: The Swedish Brain Foundation (HjΓ€rnfonden) funded our application FO2023-0025!

🌎 Conference: LiU-WCMM retreat

May 2023

🌎 Conference: We all attended Neuroretreat, the retreat of the LiU Center for Systems Neurobiology, in beautiful Sâderkâping.

April 2023

🌎 Conference: As a member of LiU-WCMM, Antonios got to attend the National Molecular Medicine Fellows retreat in Stockholm: fantastic keynote lectures, excellent colleagues and tons of inspiration!

πŸ™‚ People: Mario (Simone) Nappi (Taglialatela group, Univ. of Naples Federico II) is joining us as a visiting PhD student.

March 2023

πŸ† Award: Michelle Nilsson’s article received the β€œBest Scientific Paper Award” by the LiU Medical Faculty Student Association.

πŸ™‚ People: Panagiota β€œPenny” Gkotsi (Univ. of Patras School of Medicine) is joining us as an Erasmus+ exchange student.

πŸ™‚ People: Serena Pozzi is now officially a PhD student! She will study how a new variant of the cardiac sodium channel causes an unexpected, familial, and sometimes lethal type of cardiac arrhythmia.

February 2023

πŸŒŽπŸ† Conference & Award: Biophysical Society annual meeting, San Diego, CA. Michelle gave a platform presentation; Serena, Catherine and Antonios presented posters, and there was one more poster from our collaboration with the Olcese lab, UCLA. Antonios also co-chaired the Voltage-gated sodium and calcium channel platforms session. Catherine was given a travel award by the Biophysical Society!
Read more on Twitter



December 2022

πŸ™‚ People: Varsha is joining LinkoCare as Quality Control Engineer.

October 2022

πŸ’° Funding: The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) funded our application 2022-00574!

πŸ™‚ People: Stina Berglund is joining us for her BSc project

πŸ™‚ People: Serena Pozzi, from the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, is joining us as research assistant.

September 2022

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Europhysiology meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. Catherine gave a platform presentation. Michelle and Varsha presented posters. All received a travel award by the Scandinavian Physiological Society.

August 2022

🌎 Conference: Ion channel mountain retreat, at the Elinder family home; Undersåker (Sweden).

June 2022

🌎 Conference: Michelle Nilsson and Catherine Wang presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Synaptic Transmission, Lucca, Italy.

πŸ™‚ People: Maria Mode (Univ. of Patras School of Medicine) is joining us for three months, as an Erasmus+ exchange student.

πŸ’° Funding: The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) funded our application FO2022-0003!

May 2022

🌎 Conference: European Calcium Channel Conference, Alpbach (Austria). Catherine gave a short oral presentation and showed a poster.

🌎 Conference: The first LiU-WCMM retreat. Spa + science. Spience?

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Our Division’s “Neuroretreat”. Varsha received an award for Best Poster!

πŸ™‚ People: Varsha Prakash graduates from her master’s degree, joins us as Research Assistant for the rest of the year.

April 2022

πŸ“° Publication: Nilsson M, Lindström SH, Kaneko M, Wang K, Minguez-Viñas T, Angelini M, Steccanella F, Holder D, Ottolia M, Olcese R, Pantazis A. An epilepsy-associated KV1.2 charge-transfer-center mutation impairs KV1.2 and KV1.4 trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Apr 26;119(17):e2113675119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2113675119. Epub 2022 Apr 19. PMID: 35439054; PMCID: PMC9169947.

🌎 Conference: Antonios, together with Walker Jackson, co-organized the LiU-WCMM symposium.

πŸ™‚ People: Sarah Lindström is transferring to the group of Martin Hallbeck.

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Biophysical Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. One platform presentation by Catherine, and two posters (Teresa & Michelle). Travel Awards to Catherine and Michelle, by the Biophysical Society!


November 2021

πŸ™‚ People: Teresa was awarded a prestigious Spanish national postdoctoral fellowship, the Juan de la Cierva-formación! Unfortunately, she cannot use it at our lab ☹ She is joining the laboratory of Teresa Giraldez, University of La Laguna, as postdoctoral fellow!

πŸŽ“ Graduation: Antonios became docent / associate professor! The title of his pedagogical reflection is: “Inspiring a Solution-oriented Attitude to Laboratory Trainees

October 2021

πŸ™‚ People: Varsha Prakash is joining us for her Master’s degree project.

πŸ“° Publication: Angelini M, Pezhouman A, Savalli N, Chang MG, Steccanella F, Scranton K, Calmettes G, Ottolia M, Pantazis A, Karagueuzian HS, Weiss JN, Olcese R. Suppression of ventricular arrhythmias by targeting late L-type Ca2+ current. J Gen Physiol. 2021 Dec 6;153(12):e202012584. doi: 10.1085/jgp.202012584. Epub 2021 Oct 26. PMID: 34698805; PMCID: PMC8552156.

September 2021

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Scandinavian Physiological Society meeting, Stockholm. Sarah, Michelle and Catherine presented posters. All of them, and Teresa, received Travel Awards by the Scandinavian Physiological Society.

February 2021

🌎 Conference: Biophysical Society annual meeting (online). Sarah gave a recorded platform presentation and Teresa presented a virtual poster from her PhD work.


September 2020

πŸ™‚ πŸ† People & Award: Dr. Kaiqian (Catherine) Wang, joining us from the University of British Columbia, Canada. Catherine was selected for a Center for Systems Neurobiology stipend support.

πŸ™‚ People: Dr. Teresa Minguez-Viñas is joining us from Oxford Brookes University, UK.

πŸ“° Publication: Pantazis A, Kaneko M, Angelini M, Steccanella F, Westerlund AM, Lindström SH, Nilsson M, Delemotte L, Saitta SC, Olcese R. Tracking the motion of the KV1.2 voltage sensor reveals the molecular perturbations caused by a de novo mutation in a case of epilepsy. J Physiol. 2020 Nov;598(22):5245-5269. doi: 10.1113/JP280438. Epub 2020 Sep 21. PMID: 32833227; PMCID: PMC8923147.

February 2020

🌎 Conference: Biophysical Society annual meeting, San Diego, CA. Michelle presented a poster, and we were also coauthors on a poster by the Olcese lab, UCLA.


December 2019

πŸ’° Funding: The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) funded our application 2019-00988!

October 2019

πŸ™‚ People: Michelle Nilsson is hired as the lab’s first PhD student. Her project will be on voltage-sensing domain function, regulation, and role in disease.

🌎 πŸ† Conference & Award: Michelle Nilsson attended the Plymouth Microelectrode Techniques workshop, supported by a stipend from the Physiological Society.

September 2019

πŸ“° Publication: Seki S, Yamamoto T, Quinn K, Spigelman I, Pantazis A, Olcese R, Wiedau-Pazos M, Chandler SH, Venugopal S. Circuit-Specific Early Impairment of Proprioceptive Sensory Neurons in the SOD1G93A Mouse Model for ALS. J Neurosci. 2019 Oct 30;39(44):8798-8815. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1214-19.2019. Epub 2019 Sep 17. PMID: 31530644; PMCID: PMC6820216.

August 2019

🌎 Conference: Scandinavian Physiological Society meeting, Reykjavik. Antonios presented a poster

June 2019

πŸ™‚ People: Sarah H. Lindström is the lab’s first hire, as principal research engineer.

πŸ“° Publication: Venugopal S, Seki S, Terman DH, Pantazis A, Olcese R, Wiedau-Pazos M, Chandler SH. Resurgent Na+ Current Offers Noise Modulation in Bursting Neurons. PLoS Comput Biol. 2019 Jun 21;15(6):e1007154. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007154. PMID: 31226124; PMCID: PMC6608983.

May 2019

πŸ’° Funding: Lucie Delemotte (KTH) and Antonios were awarded a NMMP Network Collaboration grant.

March 2019

🌎 Conference: Biophysical Society annual meeting, Baltimore, MD! Antonios presented a poster.

February 2019

πŸ“° Publication: Pantazis, A., Olcese, R. (2019). Cut-Open Oocyte Voltage-Clamp Technique. In: Roberts, G., Watts, A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Biophysics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


November 2018

πŸ“° Publication: Pantazis A, Westerberg K, Althoff T, Abramson J, Olcese R. Harnessing photoinduced electron transfer to optically determine protein sub-nanoscale atomic distances. Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 9;9(1):4738. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07218-6. PMID: 30413716; PMCID: PMC6226468.

September 2018

🍾Lab opened! First e-mail from sent to request a quote for COVG amplifiers. It was never answered. Surely just a minor hiccup?

In the News

News articles from LiU

Kaiqian Wang.

Discovery about pain signalling may contribute to better treatment

LiU researchers have pinpointed the exact location of a specific protein fine-tuning the strength of pain signals. The knowledge can be used to develop drugs for chronic pain that are more effective and have fewer side effects.

Researcher Antonios Pantazis sits in his office and shows his 3D model of ion channels in different colors.

Antonios Pantazis channels his passion for ion channels

Antonios Pantazis has recently been awarded the prestigious Swedish Fernström Prize for his work on ion channels. His lab aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms of ion channels and their role in various diseases, such as epilepsy and arrhythmias.

Kaiqian Wang.

A subtle genetic change gives new clues about epilepsy

Sometimes, even the alteration of a single nucleotide in a gene can cause serious disease. A recent study sheds light on the molecular biology behind some forms of genetic epilepsy.

External news articles