Modern medicine and biomedical research are highly dependent on advanced life science technologies, designed to interface, augment, and provide a deeper understanding of complex biological systems. We live in an era of convergence when new and unexpected discoveries are generating radically new directions in biology, medicine, and technology for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases. At LiU, we are at the forefront of this development. With a firm foundation in engineering and science, we address problems that range from fundamental biomedical research to clinical medicine, with the ambition to create new knowledge and develop breakthrough technologies for the benefit of human health and well-being.
Calls for seed grant applications
LSX now calls for seed grant applications to promote interdisciplinary collaborations at LiU. We expect to fund 3-5 projects with a maximum of 150 000 SEK per project. The grant can be used only for salaries for involved researchers and running costs (experiments and consumables). Main applicants must hold a PhD and be employed at LiU. Each proposal should have at least two main applicants from different LSX fields. LiU researchers already funded through the main LSX programs (listed on the LSX homepage) are not eligible for applying as main or co-applicants. The projects should be clearly interdisciplinary, enhance research synergies, and support the establishment of new collaborations.
We are excited to kick start new LSX activities at LiU. Therefore, the projects are required to be initiated no later than 1 May 2025 and the activities should be reported 1 December 2025.
The proposal must contain
- A research proposal of no more than 2 pages, composed of the following outline: Objectives, Background, Research Tasks, Expected Results, Interdisciplinarity, Novelty and Impact, and Budget
- A one page CV for each applicant including max 5 key publications relevant for the application
In the assessment process, the following will be taken into consideration:
- Relevance to the field and mission of LSX
- Expected impact
- Novelty
- Interdisciplinarity
- Feasibility of the proposed research, including access to required research facilities
Applicants benefitting from the support will report their results by giving oral presentations at an LSX Symposium and as a short written report.
The application should be submitted as a single PDF file by 14:00 (2 pm) on 28 February 2025 through the application portal at
Do not hesitate to contact Daniel Aili or Karin Wårdell if you have any questions.
2025-02-28 Call closes
2025-03-14 Decisions communicated
2025-05-01 Latest project start
2025-12-01 Deadline for submission of project report