LINK-SIC Education-related Activities at Linköping University Photo credit: David Brohede


LINK-SIC has close connections to the engineering education at Linköping University. The researchers in the center belong to the Divisions of Automatic Control and Vehicular Systems, respectively, and both divisions have strong teaching commitments. This gives excellent possibilities for knowledge transfer between the students and teachers at Linköping University and the industry partners in the center. The connections between LINK-SIC and the engineering education have several components, and they will be summarized here. Additional information can be given by the researchers in the center.

Master’s Theses

Each year the companies in LINK-SIC offer interesting and challenging Master’s thesis tasks. Proposals for Master’s theses are normally posted on the websites of the companies. In addition, the researchers in LINK-SIC have very good contacts with companies outside the center. For more information about Master’s theses contact Johan Löfberg (, Lars Eriksson (, or the other researchers in the center.

Summer Student Projects

Every summer since 2018 LINK-SIC has arranged summer projects for students in collaboration with the small and medium size companies in the center, i.e. Senion, Actia Nordic, UMS Skeldar and Alelion. The projects have been documented via posters which have been presented at the annual workshops of LINK-SIC, See e.g. LINK-SIC Workshop 2021. Further information can be given by the Center Director Svante Gunnarsson (

Master’s Level Courses

The divisions offer several courses with strong relevance for the scope of LINK-SIC, and some examples are:
Sensor fusion (and more information here)
Modelling and learning for dynamical systems
Optimal control
Vehicle propulsion systems
Modelling and control of engines and drivelines
Additional information can be given by the Director of Studies Johan Löfberg (

Core Competence Workshops

LINK-SIC arranges workshops with connection to the Core Competences of the center on a regular basis. So far, the following three Core Competence Workshops have been arranged:
Learning from a control perspective, Oct 2017.
Theory, applications, and software for optimal control, May 2018.
Reinforcement learning, March and April 2021.

PhD Level Courses

Within the framework of the PhD student education, the Divisions of Automatic Control and Vehicular Systems arrange PhD courses with strong connections to the Core Competences of the center. Some examples are:
System Identification
Convex Optimization
Robot Modeling and Control

More information about TSRT14 Sensor fusion, 6 credits

Watch an introduction video to Sensor fusion with professor Fredrik Gustafsson.


After the course you will be able to;

  • Understand the fundamental principles in estimation and detection theory.
  • Implement algorithms for parameter estimation in linear and nonlinear models.
  • Implement algorithms for detection and estimation of the position of a target in a sensor network.
  • Apply the Kalman filter to linear state space models with a multitude of sensors.
  • Apply nonlinear filters (extended Kalman filter, unscented Kalman filter, particle filter) to nonlinear or non-Gaussian state space models.
  • Implement basic algorithms for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
  • Describe and model the most common sensors used in sensor fusion applications.
  • Implement the most common motion models in target tracking and navigation applications.
  • Understand the interplay of the above in a few concrete real applications.

Study information

Find more information about TSRT14

Youtube playlist

Topic videos used to teach the course Sensor Fusion (TSRT14) at Linköping University.

More about Sensor fusion

This site collects various information sources related to the research and education at Linköping University.


