Vehicular Systems (FS)

The research in Vehicular Systems has a clear focus on control, diagnosis, and supervision of functions in vehicles.

Autonomous trafficPhoto credit iStock/AkaratPhasura

The overall aim is to develop control systems to obtain performance, safety, energy utilization, and environmental stability. Our strategy is to focus on the system science aspects, and to collaborate with others when it comes to mechanical construction or industrial evaluation. The functions under consideration include advanced engine control, control coordination of vehicle and powertrain systems, and autonomous functions in intelligent vehicles and intelligent roadways.

We also have a clear focus on general research on model-based fault diagnosis. The goal of model-based fault diagnosis is to detect and isolate faults in a physical process. Our research is focused on how a dynamic or static model of the process can be utilized in the design of a diagnosis system. We investigate both purely theoretical problems and more application-oriented problems. We have a general interest in all kinds of applications, e.g. aircrafts, chemical process plants, automotive engines.


Courses given by the Division of Vehicular Systems


Courses given by the Division of Vehicular Systems

TMEI01 Electrical Engineering, 6 credits
TSFS02 Vehicle Dynamics and Control, 6 credits
TSFS03 Vehicle Propulsion Systems, 6 credits
TSFS04 Electrical Drives, 6 credits

TSFS06 Diagnosis and Supervision, 6 credits
TSFS09 Modelling and Control of Engines and Drivelines, 6 credits
TSFS11 Electrical and Energy Technology, 6 credits
TSFS12 Autonomous Vehicles - Planning, Control, and Learning Systems, 6 credits
TSFS13 Electrical Engineering, 6 credits
TSFS14 Electrical Engineering, 6 credits
CDIO-project, 12 credits
TFYY51 Engineering Project, 6 credits

Study profiles


Study profile for M and Y programs

Courses in autonomous vehicles, vehicle dynamics with control, vehicle propulsion systems, modeling and control of engines and drivelines, and diagnosis and supervision, are all selectable in the master profiles Mechatronics on the M program and Automatic Control och the Y program. The courses are also selectable for many other study programs.

The profile in Mechatronics aims at preparing students for leading industrial development and research within model-based system development, where control systems are a core part of product functionality and value. The master profiles provide a solid foundation for work within both Swedish and international system developing industries.

Autonomous Systems

Study profile for the D program

Increased autonomy, digitalization, and increased robotics is a clear development in Swedish industry, now and for a foreseeable future. This study profile meets this societal need, both in research and industrial development. Keywords for the profile are:

  • Perception
  • Control and decision-making
  • Dynamical systems
  • Algorithms

The Vehicle Lab

News articles

Picture of award ceremony.

PhD Workshop 2024 – A Successful Initiative

For the second time, the Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY) organized a full-day conference for its PhD students – PhD Workshop 2024. A successful initiative with a focus on presenting the department's research.

Demo of autonomous vehicle in Visionen.

ISY Day 2024 – AI in Society, Education, and Research

This year’s edition of ISY Day offered lectures, discussions, and demonstrations within this year's theme "AI in Society, Education, and Research". A theme that is both current and highly relevant at the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Abhijeet Behera’s licentiate seminar

Abhijeet Behera’s licentiate seminar

Abhijeet Behera successfully defended his licentiate thesis, with the title "Performance assessment of long combination vehicles using Naturalistic Driving Data" on April 16th.

ELLIIT Joint Autonomous Systems Lab in Linköping and Lund showcasing autonomous robot.

The University Board on Study Visit to Visionen

In December 2023, the university board visited the Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY). In the research arena Visionen, examples were presented highlighting Linköping University's crucial role in technological and societal development.

City by night, moving cars, night light and intelligent transport systems

Scholarship and Research Funding for Professor Lars Eriksson

Lars Eriksson, professor in Vehicular Systems at The Deparment of Electrical Engineering, is awarded the Håkan Frisinger Award for Excellence in Transportation Research.

A person with a drone.

LiU gets new competence centre – close collaborations with industry

Vinnova is investing more than SEK 30 million in a new competence centre in autonomous systems and advanced mathematical methods at LiU. Climate change and global security are to be the focus of the research groups.


Lennart Ljung

A long tradition of collaboration

Since the start of the 1990s, close collaboration based on mutual respect has been built up between researchers at LiU and large companies such as ABB, Ericsson, Scania and Saab. This collaboration has resulted in many major projects.

Ekologisk matkasse

Your grocery bag reveals how you drive

If you shop for ecological food, you’re also better prepared to drive an electric hybrid car in the best possible way. But being trained in ecodriving could almost be a disadvantage, as researchers from LiU and VTI show in a study.


LiU research stops exhaust cheating

The Volkswagen scandal has sped up the work to produce new legal requirements for emissions while driving under actual conditions. With the LiU researchers’ method, new reliable tests can be developed quickly and easily.




About the Department