The Moa Martinson and Tage Danielsson professorships at Linköping University are intended for researchers in the humanities and social sciences, or those productive in the arts. 

Photo credit Arkivbild av Per-Arne Nyhlén samt Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek

The programme of professorships upholds values such as culture, humanism and social commitment. These are values powerfully embodied by the deeply loved Swedish authors and artists Moa Martinson and Tage Danielsson.

From 2021, Linköping University will award fixed-term professorships in the names of Moa Martinson and Tage Danielsson. These visiting professorships are one element of a university initiative in the humanities, and will be located in the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS).

The professorships are intended for renowned researchers from Sweden or abroad who are active in the humanities, social sciences and aspects of the educational sciences with a humanities focus, and to authors, educators, teachers, journalists, writers, artists, film creators, photographers and those active in other art forms.

The holders of the Moa Martinson and Tage Danielsson professorships will have the opportunity during a period of 1 to 3 years to conduct scholarly, intellectual, artistic or pedagogic operations at IKOS. This will take place in a manner that enriches the department’s environments for critical education and research with a societal relevance.

Appointed Professors

Photographer: Magnus Johansson

Athena Farrokhzad

Appointed to the Tage Danielsson Professorship 2024-2026

Athena Farrokhzad is active as a poet, dramatist, translator, and literary critic at Dagens Nyheter.

She made her debut in 2013 with "Vitsvit" and, after that, she has published three poetry volumes. Her books have been translated into twenty languages, and her plays have been performed on stages in Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Turkey. She has translated authors such as Marguerite Duras, Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Natalie Diaz, and Jacqueline Woodson into Swedish.

Previously, she was responsible for the writing school at Biskops-Arnö. Today, she works as the programme director for literature at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.

During her time at Linköping University, she will write, teach, and conduct seminars.

Neferti X. M. Tadiar. Photographer: Thor Balkhed

Neferti X. M. Tadiar

Appointed to the Moa Martinson Professorship 2024-2025

Neferti X. M. Tadiar is a Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University.

She is the author of the books, “Remaindered Life,” "Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience and the Makings of Globalization" and "Fantasy-Production: Sexual Economies and Other Philippine Consequences for the New World Order".

Her academic interests include transnational and third world feminism; postcolonial and Marxist theory; critical theories of race, gender, and subjectivity; literary and social theory; cultural studies of the Pacific region and Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on the Philippines.

During her time at Linköping University, she will write and lead a faculty seminar.


Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert.

Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is the next Moa Martinson Professor

Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is a visual artist, researcher and a professor at the Cyprus University of Technology. Her research and artistic practice focus on museum studies and visual sociology, particular on photography and emerging technologies.

Neferti Tadiar, LiU guest professor in the name of Moa Martinson, and Jonathan Beller, visiting professor at REMESO.

Learn more of the world through a unique film series

The film series Moving Worlds includes seven films that, in various ways, explore the global forces shaping today’s world – forces that drive migration, conflict, environmental destruction, but also people’s resistance to violent change.

Neferti X. M. Tadiar infront of a photo of Moa Martinson inside Norrköpings Stadsmuseum.

Moa Martinson visiting professor will get new perspectives of the world

Neferti X. M. Tadiar has one foot in New York and the other in Manila. As the visiting professor in the name of Moa Martinson, she will do research on colonialism, migration, capitalism, and environmental change from a new corner of the world.

Series of publications

Cover of publication 'Wo ist der Geiger?'
Ola Larsmo (2024)
Cover of publication 'Moas stafettpinne'
Susanna Alakoski (2022)

About the professorships

A democratic society and a societal development based on knowledge

The starting point of the programme is a belief that the humanities and social sciences contribute to in-depth understanding of the shifting nature and diversity of society. Such an understanding constitutes an indispensable value to society. 

It gives coming generations a deep and more versatile understanding of themselves and their fellows, and of their place in history and society. Further, perspectives from the humanities and social sciences can create an in-depth understanding of humans as social, historical and political beings. Throughout life, language, literature and art can be pathways not only to self-insight but also to societal understanding and compassion.

Knowledge in the humanities and an artistic perspective contribute in this way to the type of culture and historical awareness that is necessary to make wise decisions. In-depth historical studies and a comparative perspective create understanding of our history and present, which is required to build a society characterised by sustainability, democracy, compassion and social justice.

Thus, the professorship programme is founded on the concept of education and research in the humanities, social sciences and artistic disciplines, as part of the foundation of a democratic society.

Through these professorships, Linköping University aspires to contribute to societal development based on knowledge, a broader utilisation of the knowledge assets of the academic world, and a society characterised by credibility, security and trust. It aspires also to the clear communication of these values to coming generations.


Appointment will be through a nomination procedure in which primarily research environments at the Department of Culture and Society can propose candidates.

The professorships will he held for a period of 1-3 years. The holders are expected to spend the majority of their time at Linköping University during this period, and will receive an appropriate academic salary at the level of professor, as agreed.

Linköping University will through these professorships attract people to the university renowned for scholarly or artistic expertise.

The programme is intended for prominent researchers in the humanities and social sciences, and those in elements of the educational sciences focussed on the humanities. The programme is also intended for authors, educators, teachers, journalists, writers, artists, film creators, photographers and those active in other art forms. The professorships may be awarded to Swedish and international applicants.

Previous Appointed Professors

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Keti Chukhrov

Appointed to the Tage Danielsson professorship 2023-2024

Keti Chukhrov is an art and cultural theorist with an interest in areas such as philosophy, politics, media theory and art. Her research areas are interconnected and concern philosophy of performativity, the impact of non-capitalistic political economics in socialist epistemology and art as the institute of global contemporaneity. In addition to being a researcher, she is a writer and an artist. Chukhrov writes dramatic poems which might be staged at the theatre or made as a video of performance. Her poetry explores the post-socialist demise of the Soviet empire.

As visiting professor, she focused on her ongoing research as well as organise workshops, lectures and seminars.

Portrait of a woman standing by a window looking into the camera.
Keti Chukhrov, visiting professor.Charlotte Perhammar

Ola Larsmo

Appointed to the Moa Martinson professorship 2023-2024

Ola Larsmo is an author and literary critic. He made his debut in 1983, with the novella Vindmakaren (“The wind maker”), and has since written novels, short stories and essays. His works often highlight Swedish history, and specifically the history of  racism and anti-Semitism. His latest books, including Swede Hollow (2016) and Översten (The Colonel) (2020), are about Swedish migration to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The novels are historical with documentary elements.

As visiting professor, Ola Larsmo was focusing on issues such as: How can novels be used to discover unexpected aspects of history? How can we prevent the falsification of history?

Portrait of Ola Larsmo next to a wall.


Per Holmberg

Appointed to the Tage Danielsson professorship 2021-2022

Why did the Vikings raise runestones? How can we understand the Rök runestone? Which grammatical models can help both teacher and pupil? These are questions that Per Holmberg focused on as visiting professor.

Per Holmberg is professor of Swedish at the University of Gothenburg, intensely interested in how language is used in different situations. His research focusses on how speech and text function in various social contexts and covers many fields – from conversations between young people, cooking programs on TV, the essays of school pupils, situations vacant announcements, and runestones. Holmberg has worked as teacher of Swedish and religious studies in secondary and upper secondary schools – and from this work he brings with him a specialisation in, and interest for, the way we use language.

Photo credit Magnus Johansson


Susanna Alakoski

Appointed to the Moa Martinson professorship 2021-2023

Writing and social questions will be in focus for Susanna Alakoski as she takes up a visiting professorship at the Department of Culture and Society. She will devote her time to stimulating and improving writing skills in research and education.

Susanna Alakoski has published several novels, children’s books and essays. Her debut novel, Svinalängorna, in 2006 was awarded the August Prize and has been transferred to both the cinema and the theatre. Her work depicts women’s history, social vulnerability and poverty, but also survival, joy and love.

Alakoski studied as a social worker, and worked in this profession before turning to writing. She has a strong commitment to issues of society and social politics.

Susanna Alakoski Photo credit Magnus Johansson


Read more about the Department of Culture and Society