Moving Worlds is a film series that is initiated by Neferti Tadiar, LiU guest professor in the name of Moa Martinson, and Jonathan Beller, visiting professor at REMESO. The film series will engage the imagination and create discussions about important topics such as migration, capitalism, racism, colonialism, and environmental and social change.
“The film series is intended for everyone, especially those interested in understanding global changes and relating them to their own communities” says Jonathan Beller.
“The topics are important due to the dramatic and often violent changes in the world, affecting people's daily lives and future possibilities. The films help visualise possible and real worlds”, says Neferti Tadiar.
The aim of the film series is to explore global changes through films from various countries, highlighting issues like intimate relations and sensorial textures and feelings that more scholarly literature cannot capture.
“The films in Moving World are different from other films, they don’t have pre-processed reality, instead they show reality and create thoughts for their audience”, says Jonathan Beller.
“For example, you get to see the radical changes in people's lives across the world, and how they cope with those changes, but also what forces them to move. It is an opportunity for people to better understand why people move and how they are making their lives under different conditions than we have here in Sweden” says Neferti Tadiar.
The film series is open to anyone interested in exploring their relationship with the world, regardless of their prior knowledge. Each film screening includes a discussion session that are led by Neferti and Jonathan, allowing the attendees to respond to the images and engage in community meaning making, a crucial aspect of the initiative.
“It is important to engage in discussions with others after watching the films, as it allows for a collective endeavour to understand the world better” says Neferti Tadiar.
“It is never too early, or too late, to learn about the world. Things are changing so quickly, there is a lot to learn from cinema, it can bring so much knowledge to us” says Jonathan Beller.