The commitment of our benefactors is crucial for LiU’s ability to contribute to improving society. Each donation is a significant investment in the future of humanity and the university. 

Donations make possible new knowledge for a better world. Areas in which LiU’s benefactors have helped us develop world-leading expertise include artificial intelligence, medicine, organic electronics, environmental technology, visualisation, logistics, humanities, and regional development. The list of LiU’s accomplishments is long, but much remains to be discovered together with both familiar and new benefactors. 

Commitment and support from individuals, companies and foundations that make generous contributions to our activities create new knowledge, and not just in the here and now. The unique research projects and breakthroughs that our benefactors make possible reinforce LiU as a university and increase our standing in international competition. This is crucial to enable us to attract more talented researchers and students to Östergötland, which is necessary if we are to contribute to a better world through world-leading research and education, for a long time in the future.

I’m proud to contribute to decisive initiatives in research. Support for LiU is self-evident to me.
Ingrid Asp, LiU benefactor

Our benefactors and donations

Portrait of man (Ingemar Ingemarsson)

Ingemarsson’s new donation to boost interdisciplinarity

Cross-border collaboration and interdisciplinarity are gaining importance in our society. This is something that Ingemar Ingemarsson wants to support. With a new large donation, he is setting up a foundation to award a prize for interdisciplinarity.

Two women in hospital wear and two men talk in a corridor.

Research centre to bring hope to kidney patients

Kidney disease is more common than people realise. By 2040, kidney failure may be the fifth most common cause of death, if nothing is done. With the Ingrid Asp Kidney Research Center, LiU will drive the development of knowledge and new treatments.

Tre peole around a table

A teacher can choose to be committed

What makes a really good teacher? Commitment and maybe the ability to get up early in the morning. When the first two award winners of Ingemars Lärarpris get together, the discussion ranges from teachers as role models to students who learn for life.


Photo of Kristina Lyngenberg

Kristina Lyngenberg


Linköpings University

  • University Services (UF) International Affairs and Collaborations Division (IFSA)


We extend our warm thanks to all the generous benefactors that enable research and education at LiU to make advances in making the world a better place.

Catharina Högboms och Michael Cocozzas stiftelse för forsknings- och kulturändamål i Linköpings kommun / Ingemar Ingemarssons stiftelse för tvärvetenskap / Ingrid Asps stiftelse för forskning inom psoriasis och eksem / Ingrid Asps stiftelse för njurmedicinsk forskning / Joanna Cocozzas stiftelse för barnmedicinsk forskning / Norrköpings kommun / Stiftelsen för Parkinsonforskning / Stiftelsen Tranås Säteri / Stig Wadströms Stiftelse / Tekniska verken / CMIV PARTNERS: Bayer Schering Pharma / Philips Medical / Sectra / Siemens Medical Solutions


Bengt Normann till minne av Onkel Adam / Byggmästare John Mattsons minnesstiftelse / Karl Erik Önnesjös stiftelse / Lars Erik Lundbergs Stiftelse för forskning och utbildning / Ingemar Ingemarssons Stiftelse för högre utbildning / Ingrid Asps stiftelse för forskning inom psoriasis och eksem / Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse / Norrköpings utvecklingsstiftelse / Oticon Fonden / Slättö

Christer Gilén / Linköpings kommun / PEAB / Stångåstaden / Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa 


Actia / Ann-Sofie Mattson & Kerstin Skarne / Carl Malmstens Hantverksstiftelse / Cloetta / Donation till forskning om Alzheimers sjukdom / Fastighets AB L E Lundberg / Henry Ståhl Fastigheter / Hyresbostäder i Norrköping / Katrineholms kommun / Klövern / Kungsleden / Lejonfastigheter / LFV / Lions forskningsfond / LiU Fund of U / Länsförsäkringar Östgöta / Nobina / Nordiska museet / Polar Structure Initiative Foundation / Qlean Scandinavia / Region Östergötland / Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Eckerbergs fond / Studenthusets givare / Sven Gunnar Axelsson / Toyota Material Handling Europe / Viveka Adelswärd / YASKAWA Nordic  


Advokatfirman Glimstedt / Alltransport i Östergötland / Andreas Norlén / Andrew J. Bock Family & Friends Memorial Fund / Baroniet Adelswärd / Billerud Korsnäs / Bud Lawson Stipendium / Carolina Schales Stiftelse minne å Mamre / Castellum / CKS / Cojn / Danske Bank Norrköping / ED Bygg Ellipsen Bygg / E.ON / EY / Grant Thornton /Handelsbanken Linköping / Handelsbanken Norrköping / Hemsö / Henry Björklund / Holmen Paper / HSB Östra Östergötland / Hälsofonden / IKANO Bostad / Ingrid Arnesdotter / Lindstén CityFastigheter / Mattssons Fastighetsutveckling / NIRAS / Norrköpings Byggmästareförening / Norrköping Handel / Norrköpings Tidningars Media / NOSS Foundation / NuLink / Odd Fellow 53 / Wasaborgen / Privata gåvor till barndiabetesforskning / Qualcomm / Regionförbundet Östsam / Riksbyggen / Sankt Kors  Stiftelsen Den Nordiska Första S:t Johannis-Logens Jubelfond / Svenskt Trä / Swedbanks stiftelse för vetenskaplig forskning / Tage Rejmes i Norrköping / Åke Svenssons forskarstipendium / Åtvidabergs Sparbank / ÅWL Arkitekter