
Erica Byström

Head of Unit, Senior Coordinator

Head of Unit at Commissioned Education Office

Head of Unit at Commissioned Education Office

I am the Head of Unit at the Commissioned Education Office at Linköping University, where we offer education for working professionals. My task is to strategically lead and allocate the work within the unit.

I aim to ensure that LiU collaborates with external partners and offers commissioned education that contributes to lifelong learning in our society. I am stimulated by, want to drive, but also support various types of change and improvement work in businesses and organizations. Do you or your employees have a need for professional education? Contact me, and I will guide you further in matters related to commissioned education and lifelong learning at LiU.


I hold a PhD in education with a focus on work and working life. Issues related to learning, professional development, and change and improvement work in organizations particularly interest me. Based on these issues, I have participated in various types of research and development projects within municipalities, regions, and companies.


I have extensive experience teaching undergraduate students and have been the director of studies for independent courses in education. I also have experience working with higher education pedagogy and leading courses for university teachers. In recent years, I have focused entirely on commissioned education, meaning staff training that is tailored and designed in a way that is closely aligned with the needs of the relevant organization.


I collaborate with various regional organizations on matters related to skills supply and commissioned education. Together with other higher education institutions, I actively work on issues related to the role and function of academia in lifelong learning.



Erica Byström (2020) Samverkan om uppdragsutbildning - hur kan den realiseras i praktiken?: en rapport


Erica Byström (2019) Vad är pedagogik? Korsväg, Vol. 3, p. 29-33 (Article in journal)
Erica Byström (2019) Att utveckla god demensvård tillsammans med kunniga medarbetare


Erica Byström (2016) Kyrkorummet - ett rum för lärande Stiftsliv, Vol. 1, p. 2-2 (Article in journal)
Erica Byström (2016) Undersköterskor i hälso- och sjukvården och deras förutsättningar för lärande i arbetet Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol. 21, p. 212-234 (Article in journal)

