My research stretches from science and technology education to educational policy and history of education and is published in journals such as History of Education, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, and Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. My latest book, Striden om den goda skolan: Hur kunskapsfrågan enat, splittrat och förandrat svensk skola och skoldebatt (2019), deals with the late-twentieth-century curriculum reforms in Sweden. Two recent publications concern comparative perspectives on Nordic educational policy:
- Reform histories and changing educational conceptions of the nation and nationalism in Norwegian and Swedish curricula (1900–2020)
- From Knowledge to Skills and Competence: Epistemic Reconfiguration in Nordic Basic Education, 1980-2020.
Current projects:
- Governing educational expectations: Swedish standards-based education since 1919, a history that matters. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Role: PI.
- Utbildningspolitiken avkodad: Datalingvistiska metoder för utbildningspolitisk forskning. Funded by the Swedish Research Council. Role: participant.
Finished projects:
- Animated chemistry – the new way of learning? Animation and digital tools meets laboratory science tradition in early childhood chemistry education. Funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research (2017-2021). Role: PI.
- Knowledge in a criteria-based grading system: An evaluation of the Swedish reforms 1994 and 2011. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2014-2019). Role: PI.