Mika Jönsson

PhD student

I am a PhD student at PAINOMICS research group with a background in neuroscience. My research focus on investigating peripheral and central molecular profiles associated with inflammation in respect to chronic peripheral neuropathic pain.



Mika Jönsson, Emmanuel Bäckryd, Lena Jonasson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri (2022) Differences in plasma lipoprotein profiles between patients with chronic peripheral neuropathic pain and healthy controls: an exploratory pilot study Pain Reports, Vol. 7, Article e1036 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Mika Jönsson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri, Emmanuel Bäckryd (2021) The inflammatory profile of cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, and saliva from patients with severe neuropathic pain and healthy controls - a pilot study BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 22, Article 6 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


