Mika Jönsson


Jag är doktorand vid PAINOMICS forskargrupp med bakgrund inom neurovetenskap. Mitt fokus ligger på att undersöka centrala och perifera molekylära förändringar i plasma, CSF, och saliv hos patienter med kronisk perifer neuropatisk smärta.



Mika Jönsson (2024) The Inflammatory Profile in Chronic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Explorative studies investigating Potential Biomarker Candidates


Mika Jönsson, Emmanuel Bäckryd, Lena Jonasson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri (2022) Differences in plasma lipoprotein profiles between patients with chronic peripheral neuropathic pain and healthy controls: an exploratory pilot study Pain Reports, Vol. 7, Artikel e1036 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Mika Jönsson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri, Emmanuel Bäckryd (2021) The inflammatory profile of cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, and saliva from patients with severe neuropathic pain and healthy controls - a pilot study BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 22, Artikel 6 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Mika Jönsson (2024) The Inflammatory Profile in Chronic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Explorative studies investigating Potential Biomarker Candidates


Mika Jönsson, Emmanuel Bäckryd, Lena Jonasson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri (2022) Differences in plasma lipoprotein profiles between patients with chronic peripheral neuropathic pain and healthy controls: an exploratory pilot study Pain Reports, Vol. 7, Artikel e1036 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Mika Jönsson, Björn Gerdle, Bijar Ghafouri, Emmanuel Bäckryd (2021) The inflammatory profile of cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, and saliva from patients with severe neuropathic pain and healthy controls - a pilot study BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 22, Artikel 6 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


