
Niklas Carlsson

Senior Associate Professor

Niklas Carlsson works in the general area of distributed systems and networks. His research aims at providing system insights and solutions that help deliver tomorrow’s services both effectively and securely.

Niklas Carlsson is an Associate Professor at Linköping University, Sweden. He received his M.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics from Umeå University, Sweden, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

He has previously worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, and as a Research Associate at the University of Calgary, Canada.

His research interests are in the general area of distributed systems and networks, but his research often encompasses many other research domains. Recent research interest include among other things: (i) how to best deliver tomorrow’s interactive streaming and mixed reality experiences, (ii) network security, and (iii) characterization and modeling of underlying fundamentals such as the popularity dynamics within large-scale systems.

To better understand existing technologies and develop and evaluate new better technologies, his research includes a combination of analytic modeling, simulations, measurement-based characterization, data analytics, machine learning, system implementation, as well as real-world experiments. He has a particular interest in trying to obtain solid fundamental/general insights towards the best possible performance, scalability, efficiency, and/or quality of service. When possible, analytic lower bounds are developed for the purpose of rigorous protocol and system evaluation.

For more detailed information on research, teaching, services, and graduated students, please see Niklas website.

Publications: Five Semi-recent Favorites

M. Almquist et al., The Prefetch Aggressiveness Tradeoff in 360 Video Streaming, Proc. ACM MMSys, June 2018.

N. Carlsson and D. Eager, Ephemeral Content Popularity at the Edge and Implications for On-Demand Caching, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, June 2017.

V. Krishnamoorthi et al., BUFFEST: Predicting Buffer Conditions and Real-time Requirements of HTTP(S) Adaptive Streaming Clients, Proc. ACM MMSys, June 2017.

V. Krishnamoorthi et al. Quality-adaptive Prefetching for Interactive Branched Video using HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming, Proc. ACM Multimedia, Nov. 2014.

Y. Borghol et al., The Untold Story of the Clones: Content-agnostic Factors that Impact YouTube Video Popularity, Proc. ACM KDD, Aug. 2012.

Full list of Niklas publications.


For an up-to-date list of current courses that Niklas teach, please visit his website.


Niklas actively participates in many Technical Program Committees (TPCs), works as an associate editor for journals, and has or is holding various other roles within the performance community (e.g., secretary/treasurer for ACM SIGMETRICS 2015-2019, TPC chair for MASCOTS 2015) and in the sustainable computing community (e.g., as chair for the IEEE STCSC 2015-2017, and co-founder and co-organizer of the ACM GreenMetrics workshops 2009-2017). For a complete overview of some of Niklas community activities, please see his website.



Patrick Lambrix, Niklas Carlsson, Rasmus Säfvenberg (2025) Goal-based performance metrics for ice hockey accounting for goal importance Journal of Sports Analytics, Vol. 11 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Minh Ha Le, Niklas Carlsson (2024) StyleAdv: A Usable Privacy Framework Against Facial Recognition with Adversarial Image Editing Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Vol. 2024, p. 106-123 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
David Hasselquist, Ethan Witwer, August Carlson, Niklas Johansson, Niklas Carlsson (2024) Raising the Bar: Improved Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses for Video Streaming Traffic Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Vol. 2024, p. 167-184 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marcus Döberl, York Freiherr von Wangenheim, Carl Magnus Bruhner, David Hasselquist, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson (2024) Chain-Sawing: A Longitudinal Analysis of Certificate Chains Proc. IFIP Networking 2024, p. 122-130 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Patrick Lambrix, Mikael Vernblom, Niklas Carlsson, Tim Brecht (Editorship) (2024) Linköping Hockey Analytics Conference - LINHAC 2024



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