Integrating services with products has become attractive to industry as it could give a competitive edge and provide higher value and higher margin – called Sustainable Product/Service Systems (S-PSS). The idea is to make it possible for a firm to increase both profits and customer value while decoupling the economic growth from the environmental impact. S-PSS logically needs to address business models of a firm as well. Since the 1990s, S-PSS has been expected as one of the most effective instruments for moving our society towards a resource-efficient, circular economy.
Development of new scientific insights via trans-disciplinary research
I have executed research towards trans-disciplinarity covering primarily engineering and management for sustainability, by developing theories applicable into practice at the heart. I have covered multiple disciplines from engineering design to robotics and artificial intelligence for the last three decades. The impacts include the changes made through implementing methodical approaches / tools and insights in design and R&D of several large multi-national manufacturing organizations through funded projects. I am active also disseminating cutting-edge insights into industry and societies through, e.g., participating in ISO standardization and Swedish government committees as well as providing an annual PhD course.
My research has been financed by, a.o., European Union, Hitachi, Mistra (The Swedish foundation for strategic environmental research), Siemens, Sveriges Ingenjörer (The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers), Swedish Energy Agency, Tekniska verken in Linköping, Toyota, and VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems).
I am also holding 10 patents in mechatronics control and intelligent machinery.
Outstanding Researcher in Ecodesign and Product/ Service System
I joined LiU as the Swedish engineers’ (Sveriges Ingenjörer) Environmental Professor in 2007 and have been active in both carrying out projects with industry and publishing academic articles. Recognized as the most or the second most productive knowledge developers in PSS design in five review articles authored by peer research groups and published on scientific peer review journals between 2013 and 2021, which is clear evidence of my academic influence and expertise in the field. A fellow of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering).
After studying at the University of Tokyo, I worked at Mitsubishi Research Inst., Inc. in Tokyo for 8 full years, where I gained valuable industry experience before beginning my academic career.